Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Kristen (Chapter 132) - Tue 25 Jun 2013

Yes, this mate thing has me very excited.

Kristen (Chapter 131) - Tue 25 Jun 2013

Make her your mate now! :D Do it!

Kitten (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

Oh yes more! I love this! Keep up the work. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

All six chapters are great, keep it coming.

TKE (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

damn thats hot!!!

Stella Mira (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

Well, I'm looking forward to this mating. Sounds like it'll be a wild night...or day XD

Stella Mira (Chapter 131) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

Figures he would like modern lingerie. He's a bad, bad dog and he's about to mount her lust XDD (that was my failed attempt at censoring myself)

Alii (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

Hot hot hot smut! Love it, update it!(;

tonya (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

absolutely love the updates!

Phyllis (Chapter 132) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this story?!  Your writing is exciting, easy to read, and builds up anticipation.  This chapter was very nice.  Thanks for the quick updates!  I crave this story more and more!

Phyllis (Chapter 131) - Mon 24 Jun 2013

OK, I know you've been told this already, probably many times, but that was HOT.  I don't know what it is, but that last line is so erotic to me.  Very well done!!

Tana_san (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Oh how sorry I am that I let time get away from me and my fanfiction! I picked up right where I left off and read throughout the evening until I have gotten all caught up. This fic is highly addicting that way, you know? I just couldn't put it away but for only bathroom and snack breaks. I like how this relationship moved in a respectable amount of time and they actually got to know each other. Of course being stuck together on a day to day basis like they were helped alot. I also liked that you didn't ude InuYasha as a negative plot devise. I could honestly believe that he and Sesshoumaru could make some kind of truse for Kagome's sake. I also liked how everyone was trying to help Sesshoumaru get the girl and especially how InuYasha would push his buttons but still helped him to figure Kagome out. I also LOVED the sexy, dominate Kagome even though she wasn't exactly all that confident but still pushed onward with teasing and seducing him. Kagome is  definitely a spitfire in that she doesn't let too much get her down. She was always ready with the comeback remarks wherever necessary and has shown she's not a wimpy child that can't hold her own. Bravo, my dear, you are doing most excellent work and I applaud your portrayals of all of the characters. Even little Shippo has an important part in this where he gets to show off his intelligence. I'll be back for more when I catch up on my other fics.  JEN

Sess Koibito (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Oh, I just LOVE what Kagome is suggesting to Sesshoumaru for his mother's punishment! It would be so fitting! LOL!  :)

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Ok...someine please tell me where do I go vote for best fanfic here on Dokuga??? As of right now this is my favorite story, and I would love to nominate it!!! (Great job by the way, is always a pleasure reading your fic :-) )

tonya (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

fantastic updates!

Stella Mira (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Kagome is devious and I like the way she thinks a lot XDD

Stella Mira (Chapter 129) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Ah, I figured the Lady Mother wouldn't take this one so well. Let's see what more she can throw at Kagome. Inuyasha was right. This ought to be fun XDD

KEdakumi (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

OOOOOoooooooooooooooooo............ karma's a b***h, as it looks like InuMama will be finding out. :D  Can't wait to see what happens next.

Nilee1 (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

No, you two shouldn't do whayour are planning; you guys are better than that. Don't stoop that low; be more creative. There's not going to be a male who's like Kagome who will change her sensibilities.

Hairann (Chapter 130) - Fri 21 Jun 2013

Ohhh that would be the perfect payback for his mother :).

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