Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Phyllis (Chapter 39) - Tue 14 May 2013

Looks like Inuyasha finally figured it out!  Bout time!

Phyllis (Chapter 38) - Tue 14 May 2013

Oh, Inuyasha.  He's such a tool sometimes.  But it says something for Sesshomaru's feelings for Kagome that he restrained himself.  

Phyllis (Chapter 37) - Tue 14 May 2013

Wow, what horrible things to dream of!  Kagome has such a soft heart, and I imagine such things would cause her nightmares.  Good thing Sesshomaru was there.  Nice chapter!

lilmonkey37043 (Chapter 40) - Tue 14 May 2013

aww :) this is making me feel all warm and fuzzy lnside.  im loving it

TKE (Chapter 40) - Tue 14 May 2013

Awww, such a sweet moment!!

Phyllis (Chapter 36) - Tue 14 May 2013

Problem almost solved AND the opportunity for them to get closer.  Win-win as far as I'm concerned!

Phyllis (Chapter 35) - Mon 13 May 2013

Yay for pouting Sesshomaru!  And it's great that Kagome made a great discovery!  Nice update!  On to the next chapter.

Eve (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

Wow!  Absolutely spell binding.!

I love the chapters.

Now just to see what happens next! :)

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

~~Oh My goodness! I am obsessed with this fic! XD I love it! And you always update so much at a time, it makes me grin like a Cheshire! :D More soon, please! I love their interactions, and that last chapter was so ridiculously adorable!! XD

insomniac_amy (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

I'm so happy to see them starting to get closer.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

All six chapters are great, keep it coming. Happy Belated Mother's Day!

tonya (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

i am loving this story!

tonya (Chapter 37) - Mon 13 May 2013


Stella Mira (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

Hohoho, I see some progress! Keep up the chivalrous act and she'll be yours, Sess!

Stella Mira (Chapter 39) - Mon 13 May 2013

Ahahahaha, relying on Kouga now, aren't we? Well, it's worth a shot, but I don't think the big will let go that easily xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 38) - Mon 13 May 2013

Inuyasha, you are smarter than you look, but what can you do now? Your way of handling things will be your downfall if you're not careful xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 37) - Mon 13 May 2013

Awww that was sooo sweet and cute! I do adore this new, compassionate side of him!

Stella Mira (Chapter 36) - Mon 13 May 2013

Smart Shippo-chan! I knew the little fox was a lot more than he looked like xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 35) - Mon 13 May 2013

Yay for Kagome being the one to save him yet again!

tonya (Chapter 35) - Mon 13 May 2013

excellent chapter!

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