Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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mari (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

loved the updtes thanks.

KEdakumi (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

Awww... Inu and InuMama are going to not let Sesshoumaru do things slow and steady.  

Wonder what is up with those pearls.... hmmm.... 

Can't wait for more!

Faux66 (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013


AnimeLady04 (Chapter 40) - Mon 13 May 2013

Awww what a sweet story!
Can't wait for the next update!

Stella Mira (Chapter 34) - Sun 12 May 2013

Don't pout,'ll just lose all the respect you have gained lately xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 33) - Sun 12 May 2013

Love is in the eyes lalalala rofl

Stella Mira (Chapter 32) - Sun 12 May 2013

Awww he's so cute worrying about how to court her lol Just go ask the tree, big guy! I'm sure it'll be more knowledgable than you even in such matters xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 31) - Sun 12 May 2013

Yay, Inu is not a romantic interest! Sess is so deeply immersed in thought, he didn't even hear this important piece of info does that xDD

Stella Mira (Chapter 30) - Sun 12 May 2013

Bwahahaha! Inu panicking was the cherry on top! The pun on Seiko's name just finished me off! Great chapter!

Phyllis (Chapter 34) - Sun 12 May 2013

Poor Inuyasha for his nothing journey.  But I feel more so for Sesshomaru, who is still stuck outside of his lands.  I hope something will help him soon.  Thanks for the updates.  As usual, you don't disappoint!

Phyllis (Chapter 33) - Sun 12 May 2013

A shy Sesshomaru is so cute!  Kagome should just come out and ask him, lol.

Phyllis (Chapter 32) - Sun 12 May 2013

Sesshomaru, a bumbling fool?  That would be a sight!  On to the next chapter!  I love when you update!

hana sora (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013
Update soon!

tonya (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013

great chapter

cassandra (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013

I wonder if Kagome would be able to break it? If she did then Sesshomaru would have to pay her back somehow. He could use that to his advantage.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013

All three chapters are great, keep it coming.

Leahchan13 (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013

OMG such fast updates!! I love it~! Oh snap an argument whats going to happen~!?

KEdakumi (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 May 2013

Aww... Inu's pouting 'cause he couldn't do it.  Wonder if Kagome will take a crack at it.

Leahchan13 (Chapter 31) - Sat 11 May 2013

Lol that was funny! Can't wait for more~!

Starfyre (Chapter 31) - Sat 11 May 2013

I fell so far behind! I was totally enjoying the Next button and then! And then it disappeared! (T.T)

Great Chapters! Sorry I fell behind, but school work is killing me.

I look forward to more! It's awesome for a break from the textbook and note taking and endless studying.

Update soon please!


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