Okay, so I blew off my job duties to read this, and now I'm totally engrossed. I'm actually quite disappointed that I couldn't read more!I look forward to your updates!
Now this sounds interesting
Ah...in this he doesn't know that she is from the future. This should be interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter. Cheers!
Okay, usually I'm not a fan of drabbles. But, I am hooked.You're handling the short chapters wonderfuly, I like the fact that it's easy to follow dispite the short chapters :-)
I love to see his reactions and emotions being played out with actions.
Sigh...very nice update. Thanks so much.
I am so loving this story. Beautiful update. Thank you.
Lovely and thought provoking. Sessh evolving and moving past his hatred for Inuyasha. Nice.
Awwwww...Sesshoumaru says so much, without, hardly saying anything :)
Aww that is so sweet
Sesshomaru habla con el corazon en las manos!!! .......y con kagome! !.......omg
Si hay Future para nuestro adorado yokai!
Casi lloro por la razon que dio para acabar con Naraku!.....bitter-suss.
Gracias por el capitulo....es uno de mis favoritos ????
:) that was sweet of her to say very observant
Very nice chapter. Getting to know you....Thanks so much.
Cool. (:
Getting more interesting by the chapter, cant wait for more!
Oh my god, he laughed. Someone's gonna die tonight....
A broken family is never easy, even for demons. Very nice update. Thanks so much.
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