Such an amazing and unique fic. Its refreshing to see kagome act intelligent and nit blabber to anyone, hey i am from the future and know some things. And the idea with the rainbow. Amazing.
Really hoping you will return to writing, i enjoyed it very much and am no skimming through your works.
Wish you good luck with everything in your life.
Hoping to see more of this story sometime soon. I really enjoy it and at times have felt very bad for poor Kagome. Can't wait to see how Sesshomaru deals with her change and if Kagome will tell him of her origins. So many things to find out!! Thank you for your stories I love reading them.
So Awsome Please UpDate Soon.
I am re-reading this...
Loving it.
Had to re-read the story to remember what it was about (didn't mind in the least) Great story and I look forward to more!
whoo i cant wait for the rest! for the confrontation! and maybe the actual truth! i had to re-read some of it, but who cares because its great so please continue updating :)
Rin's total obliviousness is adorable!
But I'm so loving the way she's treating him. I'm still sort of upset with him. (Can't remember why, but I know that I am) so I'm glad he's being tortured. (Shame on you, turining me into a sadist!)
Also I just really like seeing jer tease Sesshomaru, because she rocks.
That's just way too adorable a mental picture for me! The hugging and cuddling and embracing and total adorability of it all is mind blowing!
And snap! That scene where she asked for Sessh!Mama's name was intense. I was all like: what sort of relationship is that going to be?
But, it doesn't evene matter because I love it! Or maybe it does matter.
Either way, Awesome!
I'm being so verbose right now, but I can't help it. Chapters from your stories make me too happy!
Sesshmama is bad. ut in the best way possible!!!!
Honestly, Sesshomaru! Don't you know by now that mother always knows best?
He's going to regret it!!!!
I love her!!!!
...........* clutches chest* or shall expire and haunt you forevermore.
Okay...this was just FANTASTIC. I read it all the way through and I just fell in love with this. Great work and I look forward to more.
*Jaw drop*
How? When? What?
When did this happen? How in the world did I miss it?!?!!?!?!
Big shocker!
That was like... an awesome bomb, dropping on my head.
When did this happen?
I just...
I cannot wait for the next update.
YA CAN'T JUST STOP THERE!!LAWD! I really enjoyed reading this! keep up the great job and update soon!
This is getting intense!
Mother-son confrontation!
(The Lady Mother is so going to win)
oooooh. sesshoumaru is gonna get some. scandal! haha i cant wait for the rest of the story and see what direction you choose to take the story in. maybe both kagome and sesshoumaru apologize OR OR OR sesshoumaru gets his ass handed to him because he was rude. i'd prefer the latter. idk, but i do. haha great job so far, although you already knpw that :) please continue :)
I was not expecting that. She... her... oh my snap... this is awesome!
uh oh. sesshy mum or sesshy.
Why did you have to touch the rainbow Kagome? Note to self: never touch pretty, awesome, sparkly, glowy things in the forest. Ever.
You know you're driving me crazy with this familiar voice? Seriously. I can feel myself slipping.
So glad that this was updated!
*sigh* and now kagome is going to look like a dumb bitch, but it wasnt her fault! it was sesshoularu's. he should feel bad (although he already does) it'd be cool if she told him something like "you should now when to leave soething alone" but then she'd be a hypocrite because she is nosy. but do you get what im trying to say. i want hom to admit to her that he fucked up, not kagome but him
wow how come i don't remember this story it's really good i left a review right? hold on did i ? no i don't think so anyway i LOVE it sorry i did not leave a review sooner lol ^_^
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