Cute story; I like it very much! Point of interest, though: Sesshoumaru probably knows multiplication. Maybe not the algorithm which Kagome uses, but he's probably familiar with the concept. The Chinese had been using an abacus system for higher math since the 3rd century, and modern base ten math was discovered in northern India in the 5th century (and quickly spread through much of the world). So it's likely that by the 15th/16th centuries (the Sengoku period), Japan would be familiar with common mathematics.
Lovely fic you have here, and I see its not the only one, infact you have posted some 4-5 fics at the same time!! wow! Seems like you're on a roll ! ^_^
All those aside, I must say I like the plot here and see some great effort put into this. However, I do feel some things are taking away from the feel and atmospehere? of this story. Chapter 1 gave me a rushed-through feeling, you know, where it feels everything is happening a bit too fast and has lesser 'depth'. Chapter 2 had more of an improvement there but, one thing that didn't agree with me was Kagome's 'super-powers', where using these she brings a book from the shelf to herself. This too sounds a far-fetched without a proper detailed explanation to how she got those powers.
Pls don't be offended/ disheartened due to my feedback, its just that you're already doing a great work and I feel that once you take care of these little things, it will be even more awesome. On the plus side, I must say the flow of the plot is going seamlessly and is great as this where many don't get it right. Again all of these are my personal opinions and not necessarily i-know-better-than-you stuff. ;)
Do keep up the great work, looking forward to more updates! :)