Keep it coming.
You've got a few spelling errors such as "annouyance" should be annoyance and "grate" should be great, as well as some basic grammatical issues. Also, just as a general story-telling note, whenever a new character speaks, it should be in a new paragraph. So: "Sesshomaru woke with a start. That damed miko was in his head...AGAIN. Growling in annouyance Lord Sesshomaru got up and walked to his window and looked over the moonlit gardens. "JAKEN" a small toad deamon ran into he room as fast as his little legs could carry him. "y-y-yes m-my l-l-lord?" he stammered, Jaken knew if his Lord bellowed like that he was in a mood that could kill."
Should be: "Sesshomaru woke with a start. That damed miko was in his head...AGAIN. Growling in annouyance Lord Sesshomaru got up and walked to his window and looked over the moonlit gardens. "JAKEN" a small toad deamon ran into he room as fast as his little legs could carry him. "y-y-yes m-my l-l-lord?" he stammered, Jaken knew if his Lord bellowed like that he was in a mood that could kill."
Other than that, and a few pacing issues, it seems like an interesting hook. I think, if you fix the style issues and flesh out the story a bit more, so it feels less rushed, this could be quite good!
This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.
This is good now I need a part 2!!!
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