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sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 40) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

Did you hear that? Oh, you want some aloe for the burn? *hands bottle* No, seriously. This stuff works wonders.

Inupapa was... amorous? In front of others? This is making me think some naughty things girl! I would love to see a lemon between these two, and judging by the flushing of Inumama's cheeks, it's a keeper!

Can't wait to move forward! ^^

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 35) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

You know what's funny? Dustin told me just the other night something similar. He said: "How can you pair that rude girl with him? You do know he's gay, right." I said, "Yeah, he's gay to be with Kagome! You baka!" We argued for 30 minutes about Sesshomaru being gay. Finally I told him, "You don't even watch the show, so pfft!"

Childish behavior... wins everytime. XD



Steelllaaaaa-la-la-la! Fix it! Pwease? :3

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 30) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

I love Inumama. She's so gorgeous and elegant, prim and proper kind of gal. I wonder how you're going to make her... I can't wait to find out!

HA! Sesshomaru asking for sedatives. That's just too rich!

Next! ^^

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 25) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

I think Sesshomaru enjoys it when she sits Inuyasha. It's his secret pleasure that he keeps in his pocket. Just like when I listen to pop music - I MEAN JUST LIKE WHEN I'M ROCKING TO METAL MUSIC, 'CAUSE POP IS FOR GIRLS.




Frilly pink armor would be hilarious! Make the servants all BA, then the guards all girly. It could be opposite day! XD LMAO

Next! <3


P.S. I'm really loving this drabble!

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 20) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

Of course... leave it to Sesshomaru to twist the meaning of things to something carnal. Kagome was not thinking the same thing... or was he toying with her? *looks pointedly to author*


For a moment I was like... "KAGOME?! Bold much?!" XD Then I saw what you did there, and then I was thinking, "Oh, you clever girl!" XD


Moving forwarrrddd!! I will read each chapter TONIGHT! XD

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 15) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

I can totally see Kagome starting a full-on war between Sesshomaru and the court, stacks of ammunition strapped to her chest as tanks and fighter jet pilots appeared in the background, with the Japanese flag blowing in the wind! XD

I was on the edge of my chair when I read that she was about to hurl. I was thinking, "Oh god no... not the fluffs!" I almost died there!


sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 11) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

Okay... I told myself that I would review every five chapters so not to spam the heck out of you, but LMAO KAGOME IS SO HILARIOUS AS A DRUNK! XD


Ziizzzzhmaru... that makes me think of when I tell my dad to email me something (my email starts with sesshomarusama33 just like on here) he's like, "You mean that Sessh-hime-hime-hime account? He's a weirdo!" XD

I was laughing so hard at this! I just had to review this or I'd forget exactly what I was going to say! LMAO

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 10) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

LOL, "Stay and mate the dirt for now!" Oh Kagome, why can't you be real so I can high five you?

I love how you've got the setting going for Sesshomaru's reasonings. You've actually have a good and logical plan that would realistically (well, technically I should be saying "fictionally" since this is for a fictional show, but you get what I'm saying XD) take place for Sesshomaru, and are not taking it WAY out of context.


Once again, you're making me fall in love with you!

Moving on!

*P.S. Have you been watching Naruto? Lol Believe it! XD Just teasing, dear. <3*

sesshomarusama33 (Chapter 5) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

HA! Serves Inubaka right for calling you a $lut. Get 'em, girl.

I really love this series so far, and I love how you're contining this even without a prompt for each one! It gives it character and defintely draws out the plot line better. All I've got to say is...




Good job, darling! *huggles*

The Bard (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

Love the updates and the Sesshomaru joking. hehe

Looking forward to your next updates. :)

cassandra (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

Wouldn't it be funny if they actually did mate for real and she wound up pregnant though?

Elizabeth (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

ho ho, I'm really like this new development. I look forward to the next update!

TKE (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013 true

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

All three chapters are great, keep it coming.

Starfyre (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013


so his plot is to just keep her around for a month?!

they're gonna drive each other crazy if the council doesn't do so first!



MissKatt (Chapter 61) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

Ahahaha he can be like his mama sometimes.

MissKatt (Chapter 60) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

Ohhhhh a Sesshou smile :)

MissKatt (Chapter 59) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

Ohh snap. Sesshou didn't think of Rin becoming of age soon XD

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 58) - Fri 22 Feb 2013

All six chapters are great, keep it coming.

Starfyre (Chapter 58) - Fri 22 Feb 2013


They are in a bath, together...

talking about feelings...

I LOVE it!

Awesome set of updates!

Can't wait for more!


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