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LoveAndFaith (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

All four chapters are great, keep it coming. 

Loveyaa (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

The council is still messing with them. It almost seems out of spite. Poor Kagome and Aoi. I wonder what will happen to Aoi, especially when Kagome eventually leaves. I can't wait to see what happens next and especially when Sesshoumaru starts comparing the northern princess with Kagome :)

NightQueen (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

I love Aoi! Handsome and passionate! I would so love to see Kagome with him.  I know Kagome and Sesshoumaru will end up together eventually, but I really think the Aoi would be wonderful for and to Kagome.  I really think something awful should happen to those elders.  My heart broke for both of them in these last 2 chapters!

ForgottenOncePromised (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Love it! I can't wait to see what happens next! Please Update SOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!

GRRR! Stupid Council!!!!


momo1o1 (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

awww that sucks i know that this is supposed to be a sessXkag story but i couldnt help but root for kaggome and Aoi *pouts*

Leahchan13 (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Hmm...I don't even know whats going to happen but I need to know!!! Please update soon~!

mangageek (Chapter 180) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

oh goodness, you made me all teary, oh I just wish Kagome happiness

Sandra Barreto (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

you are breaking my heart

Allyonora (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Erm... shouldn't he have more faith in Kagome to not became a fantoche in the West court??? I'd... after all, she played them pretty well until now, escaping the mate with Sess...

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013


I understand now.

I wish someone would draw Aoi in his true form. I imagine him totally wicked and super scary.

Update update updaaaaaaaate :P

Or I'll show you my true form. >=D



PS. dw... my true form is a bunny with super cute green eyes :P I won't bite! Unless you're a carrot =3

Rosalynn (Chapter 181) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Wow. That is sad. Poor Aoi. I would have ripped the council apart. Good story!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 180) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Please don't leave it here!!


Poor Kagome... she seems really into Aoi.

But I don't understand. Why won't he go? The Council said he could pursue her...

Starfyre (Chapter 177) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

Awe, poor 'Gome, she needs a hug, she's just getting it from the wrong male!

At least he's being understanding about her broken heart.

She just can't catch a break.

Sesshoumaru, quit being a dipthong and make her happy again you bad dog!

; )

I look forward to more!

Soon? Yes?


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 177) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

I not going to read this story again after I read this chapter, I'm just bored with it. I'm not into fanfction anymore, so bye. APRIL FOOL'S! 

TKE (Chapter 177) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

poor kagome...

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 177) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

I love the idea of Sesshoumaru finally having some competition.

Keep up the great work!

And please update soon. :D


Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 177) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

Awwww..... TT.TT

Please keep it comming, great updates by the way!!!

Loveyaa (Chapter 173) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

Hmm...both are starting to go their separate ways. I wonder how you will get them back together. Adding Aoi-san to Kagome's pack definitely shakes things up. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Leahchan13 (Chapter 173) - Mon 01 Apr 2013

I wonder what will happen next~! Update soon please!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 173) - Sun 31 Mar 2013

Keep it coming, Happy Easter Sunday.

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