Reviews for Solaris by Aviel

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Stella Mira (Chapter 31) - Tue 07 May 2013

Don't blame yourself, girl! It's a natural reaction around that man xD

Starfyre (Chapter 32) - Mon 06 May 2013

LOL! So funny! I borrowed my dad's car once, it had a gps. The stupid thing nagged me for daring to get off the highway. It was a cross country trip. I felt like I was being scolded for needing to pee after driving for nearly 12 hours straight. It recalculated every five seconds. And the worst was it was always startling me and waiting until the last second to tell me to turn! I hated the thing but I didn't know how to turn it off. My dad had programed it for me. It was the worst drive ever because of that thing! lol.

Great chapter, and a great update!

I look forward to more!


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 32) - Sun 05 May 2013

Great story, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 32) - Sun 05 May 2013

Keep it coming.

Denise (Chapter 32) - Sun 05 May 2013

this story is so nice and entertaining. It doesn't feel rushed. Nice read. :D keep up the good work.

Stella Mira (Chapter 30) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

Yeah, I can totaly understand hou must have felt, Kagome...even a kiss to the back of your hand from that man is enough to cause such a reaction - swoons -

Loved the updates ^^

Stella Mira (Chapter 29) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

He does deserve extra cookies for good behavior - nods -


Stella Mira (Chapter 28) - Sat 23 Feb 2013

I can't blame her for that outburst...Inuyasha can be obnoxious at times...make that all times :P


Starfyre (Chapter 29) - Tue 19 Feb 2013

awe, she's already falling for him

it's so sad she's going blind, but at least she got to see him before that happens.

really like this story.

I find I miss the multiple updates, but I'm glad that you update.



Leahchan13 (Chapter 28) - Mon 18 Feb 2013

Lol I like this story! Keep up the good work abd update soon please~! 

Stella Mira (Chapter 27) - Sat 16 Feb 2013

Bahahaha that was lovely...just lovely! The best insults should be delivered right in the person's face Lol

Great chapter, Aviel :)

Stella Mira (Chapter 26) - Wed 06 Feb 2013

You really update faster than I can read! Not that I am complaining...far from it. I, for one, am glad that you will have a more sedate update schedule from now on Lol

You're doing terrific! I'm really enjoying their witty banter! Sesshoumaru has his hands full with this one :D Though, I am a bit concerned with her fainting like that after the whole hospital mystery...Well, no matter, I am sure you have great things planned ahead for us to delight in!

Great updates! Keep up the good work and I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter ^^

Midian (Chapter 1) - Wed 06 Feb 2013

I like this story.  Your batch updates will be missed

Makuro767 (Chapter 15) - Mon 04 Feb 2013

Typical Kagome to not know the famous Sesshoumaru or even star struck by him...hehehehe....Sesshoumaru must be quite miffed by her lack of

PhoenixBlade (Chapter 13) - Sun 03 Feb 2013

I love shabu shabu. I really miss that in Japan... *sighs*

SessQueen (Chapter 1) - Sat 02 Feb 2013

good story. keep up the good work.

Stella Mira (Chapter 10) - Fri 01 Feb 2013

Bahahaha serves the arrogant dog right to be treated like that from a woman for once! Though...I had to take a short break after all of your desirable depictions of him in order to finally read the last hilarious chapter...this is not good for my mental stability *fans herself* lol

Great updates! I really enjoyed these chappies! Keep up the good work ^^

xDori (Chapter 10) - Fri 01 Feb 2013

hahahaha Kagome strikes again! love the updates :)

Kneazles (Chapter 10) - Fri 01 Feb 2013

lol. I suppose Sesshomaru isn't used to not being recognized, if anything that will make Kagome more intriguing to him. Very nice

Stella Mira (Chapter 5) - Fri 01 Feb 2013

Bahahaha she surely did! Ah, that was priceless! I can't stop laughing xDD *whipes tears*

Another great story, little lady! You have me thoroughly intrigued with this mysterious start where you throw some hints then confuse the - ehem - out of me! keep it up, I may complain, but I looove suspense and mystery ;)

Thank you for participating in my challenge! Don't forget your banner! I'm waiting anxiously the next update ^^

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