Like I thought... there seems to be something here, but I can't put my finger on it. You really know how to play the mystery card. XD
Totosai seems like he has a hidden agenda... sneaky old man...
s_spina (Chapter 130) - Tue 01 Oct 2013
Ohh now that is intriguing. Wonder what the charms Totosai gave are for?
I still don't understand the whole thing about the Shikon no Tama... what happened exactly? *sigh*
and Kagome, just take that!
Keep it coming.
Lmao! Totosai the matchmaker! At least they are not matching phone straps... I don't think Sesshomaru could have handled that one. XD
Aha, and my suspicions just got verified. I knew there was something fishy about this; especially since the seller was Totosai. XDD
hmm on average, there are 10-15 E and F in a row
hence theoratically, 20 x 15 more chaptes right? 300 more chapters right?!??!!?
O.O? I was right!? That was the shikon? LMAO
I dun even know what's going to happen in this fic anymore...
Update soon before my brain explodes from making farfetched guesses. XPP
Shikon no Tama!? ROFL
No, not animal, just godly creature... if a camera could blush I bet Kagome's poor camera would be painted a dark rosy color by now. XDD
Bahahahaha!! He just reminded me of a door to door salesman just now...XDD
Awwe, such cuteness!! I would definitely stalk him all day long with a camera if he existed, too! XDD
Dango!! I luffs them!! Both have impeccable taste! XDD
Liking it, keep it coming.
He's got some fine taste there. WOO!
Tanku for the updates, Aviel-chan!
Hm, and yeat Japanese mangaka are quite fond of the alien inavsion theme. Take Gintama... *dies from laughter again*
You... *is dying from laughter* Inuyasha being compare to Tony Stark... nuuuuu *dies*
You can't say no to chocolate... I can't imagine a person not liking chocolate. Even lactose intolerant people love chocolate. XD
The both seem to have it bad for the legs. They be leg lovers! LMAO
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