Would love to see a continuation of this chapter, keep it coming.
Love it, keep it coming.
Excellent chapter, can not wait for the next one.
I'm glad your back, this chapter was HOT!! Keep it coming.
Glad for the update, keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and seed of fidelity! great highschool fic. maybe a second installment of each chapter?
The spice of the gods was by far my favorate installment! so origional and romantic yet hot. please make a part 2! i also loved lovers moon. great one shots that leave you wanting more.
next chapter please
A sequel, yay!! I'm so excited you decided to make this into a three piece!! I love the dark sensuality in this theme! Your lemons are always hawt, but this one really suits my tastes! I love how you described him being in the verge of exploding just by watching her reactions. He might be the one doing the teasing, but he's right there with her! I am waiting anciously for the third and last installment!
Great chapter! ^^
Keep it coming, Happy Mother's Day!
reading it to you was quite fun indeed, especially on the parts wher eu gasped. the fiction was nice it left alot of msytery to the otehr characters around the main ones even tho that was the intent but none the less it give the fic a nice touch. the Scene in all honesty was very good, the reaction time was content, needed a bit more animalistic FUCK but keeping a small pinch fo domestic control towards each other was a good hint of not making it all go out at once.
Yay for more experimental foleplay! I swear, your lemons are getting better and better with each chapters! The details are so vivid you can practically feel the actions...that's a stimulating thought lol I really liked the concept in this one! I always enjoy more Kagome portrayed as a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it! Way to claim your man, girl! And Sessh!!! So freaking hawt!! *melts in a pool of drool*
Keep up the awesome, spicy lemony goodness!!
Keep it coming.
i love the first 2 stories ,chapters i dont really know which but any way it seems like you should add more to each story ,chapter still dont know which and make them into separate stories but any way love them any way you right them because their aaaaaaawwwwwwwsssssssooooooommmmmmm!!!!!!! ^.^ ^.~
Loved all six they are full of spice they all make me wish there was a full story for each of them but my fav out of the all was dark desire not many write a vampire story evolving sesskag but i'm happy i came across this. :)
Well, maybe I should try this trick on my imaginary boyfriend? Sounds like a plan! I really enjoyed this one! Every girl has her insecurities.
Beautiful smutty love story. I loved this couple and you did the challenge very well.
I read this one last night, but I was too tired to review, so here I am! I love your writing style, and it really makes the lemons as well as the rest of the story very enjoyable to read. I know of a lot of talented authors and you're one of them.
As sweet yet autterly erotic chapter after all the hot fun you described in previous chapters! I must say I enjoyed this softer take on the challenge quite a lot! You never cease to amaze me with all the different plots your wonderful mind comes up with and how perfectly well you execute them!
I loved all the chapters and I can't wait to read more!!
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