Reviews for Bare by Aubrey Simone

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RJ (Chapter 1) - Fri 13 Sep 2019

Such an amazing story I really wish you would bring out another chapter.

tearfromthemoon (Chapter 1) - Sat 01 Apr 2017

Holy. Shit. Yes.

ALED (Chapter 1) - Sun 11 Sep 2016

Wow! This was incredible! This is the first time I'm reading a story where Kagome is the dom and Sesshomaru is the sub. I thought I wasn't going to be into it, but boy was I wrong. That was super hot. Excellent job! Only part that was confusing was when Sesshomaru suddenly started lotioning Kagome and she was naked.

Zyren (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Feb 2015

Was looking for this for weeks to reread. Still amazing. I know it's a one shot but perhaps you can be bothered for a continuation? A previous pet come to stir up trouble? A little role reversal, Sesshoumaru getting his chance to tie her up? Either way, still love this. 

DeathDagger (Chapter 1) - Thu 02 Oct 2014


DeathDagger (Chapter 1) - Thu 02 Oct 2014

Absolutely breathtaking! Brings to mind memories of my own little puppy and how I miss him :-( Beautiful story and well researched, especially if you don't gave that particular kink and if you do ENJOY ;-)

I Love The Stuff I Review (Chapter 1) - Fri 02 Aug 2013

To answer your question... so. damn. hot. Oh, p.s. I WANT MORE!!!! PLEASE GIVE ME MORE!!!!

Lisa (Chapter 1) - Sat 09 Feb 2013

A proper safety word is a combination of two completely unrelated things, for example purple ferret.  It's a little strange, but it leaves no room for mistakes. Oh, and your story rocked.

carnivorous butterfly (Chapter 1) - Tue 01 Jan 2013

really enjoyed your story.   i don't think i've ever read anything where kagome was the dom did a good job.

Leglkmpet (Chapter 1) - Tue 25 Dec 2012

I really liked the plot and if it were longer i would have loved it even more its rely good 

wickedone43 (Chapter 1) - Mon 17 Dec 2012


As usual, you did not disappoint!  Very nice.  A side of Sesshomaru I would not have imagined.

I truly appreciate what you do.  Oh, and if spending time at another fandom gives you ideas and inspiration, then go for it.

I know I will benefit in the end...

I am so selfish!


Great job my dear :)

Rika (Chapter 1) - Sat 15 Dec 2012

So hot!!!! >.< kyaaaaaa!

sammichan (Chapter 1) - Thu 13 Dec 2012

freaking sexy. good job twisting the characters into two entirely different rolls. are you thinking of continuing or is this a one hot shot?

dianne (Chapter 1) - Thu 13 Dec 2012

I love this very much! Please continue!!!

lillyofthevalley (Chapter 1) - Thu 13 Dec 2012

l-O-V-E-D it! instantly became a favorite! would love to see a chapter story from this!

Duchess Of Darkness (Chapter 1) - Wed 12 Dec 2012







HOW....when...why....did i miss this absolutely addictive gem of all gems. Hot, raunchy, steamy, lusty smut...YUSH YUSH I believe a babbling Sesshy is Fucking hot too. Insanely hot, Crazily hot....You have made a psycotic fan here. Where the next chappie tell me you aint stopping there. Right...RIGHT?!


Loveyaa (Chapter 1) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Quite the little story you got here. I do like all the emotion that you put into it as well. It was quite enjoyable and I can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

Lone saiyan woman (Chapter 1) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

I loved it, I'm a massive fan of BDSM fanfiction and a submissive sesshoumaru is a dream as it is more common for people to write him as a dom instead. Maybe you could make this a series of sorts showing sesshoumaru's progression as a vanillaish sub to one willing to accept even the darkest of things, just because his mistress wants it. Just an idea and shameless begging to continue as well haha. O and a babbling Sesshoumaru was so hot!

TKE (Chapter 1) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

One word.....SEXY!!!!!!

Kayelyn (Chapter 1) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

Aubrey! Welcome back! I really enjoyed this one shot. To be honest, a submissive Sesshomaru isn't really to much of a stretch in my opinion. Someone that dominating out in the real world, wanting someone to dominate him? I can see it. As far as the actual BDSM goes, I really think that you got the attitudes of a dominant and submissive down, which, when I do read such stories, pull me in more than the actual smut. And your smut? Top notch. This was a very yummy fic to read with my glass of wine. Thanks for posting!

P.S. You aren't the only one who thinks that about a babbling Sesshomaru. 

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