DemonQueen17 (Chapter 23) - Mon 27 Oct 2008
This chapter was interesting. Everyone, except Sesshomaru and Kikyou, regret what they've done. I understand this is Sess/Kag, but Sesshomaru is just as conniving as Kikyou is. You should have Inuyasha see Kikyou for what she truly is; a selfish, conniving bitch who is willing to throw the hanyou for her own sake. Can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 22) - Mon 20 Oct 2008
well i dont think you should finish it completely, just yet still have to get Inu and Kik, and something has to happen to Naraku, She has to get with Sess, and since you introduced the hanyou wolf cub you hafta bring her back into the story to finish it, otherwise those were pointless chapters. perhaps you could have inu bump Naraku off to get him out of the way before Kags kills inu and Kik, and i dunno Sess and Kags's daughter? becomes friends with the hanyou wolf cub? you still have a few things to finish this up. - r0o

vicki patterson (Chapter 22) - Mon 20 Oct 2008
please just a few more chapters, just to tie up loss ends, please??

InuPriestess (Chapter 21) - Tue 30 Sep 2008
right now my only suggestion would be to back track and explain some of the instances.. for is naraku german? how is kagome a demon with miko powers? if the blood is diluted with human blood how is she a queen? where did she get the ring? why is she still mentally unbalanced when her "blood" appeared? if it was all kikyo's doing why near the first or second chapters do you have Sess telling the group that kags was in his castle and that they didn't care? just some things to think about.. and if naraku wants the jewel why is he nice? who is the antagonist of the story, where is the climax? these are just a few things to help you keep the storyline going... I hope you get some ideas and keep writing. am enjoying it!! ciao!

kawaiisenshi33 (Chapter 21) - Mon 29 Sep 2008
Update soon! Youer story is a very interesting concept!

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