I know that this is an old story, but this is a sesshomaru/kagome site,. This is about some made up drama queen related to sesshomaru. This is an inuhime story not sesshomaru/kagome. Such a was to waste my day. This story does not belong here!!!!
The bold "always yelling" dialogue is distracting from the story, apologies.
I originally fous this on FF. I fell in love. Now I'm happy I can read it over again on here! <3
I tried to like it, and love the story idea, but you need an editor. As an English teacher I was itching for a red pen. Sometimes you lose the tense, and go into present. You put in extras like "in" and stuff. I know it can be hard to hear these things. I wrote my first fanfic about 20 years ago, and I had to listen to some rough things, but it made me a better writer. I've done the same for my mum, who is also writing a novel.
Mona (Chapter 110) - Sat 05 Mar 2016
Great... I was hoping for a little bit more with the 500 years reunion scenario. I was hoping to read more interactions and explanation, although this is a Sesshoumaru and Kagome fic, Inuyasha and other characters played a major role as well. Inuyasha is close to the Higurashi family, so for him not to be there for the reunion was weird.
van (Chapter 110) - Fri 04 Mar 2016
WOW! full speed ahead! Love it! Thank you for finally finish it <3 awaiting another story from you :***
I couldn't even get through chapter 1 without finding grammer errors in every pragraph and finding words that didn't make any sense for why they were in the first place.
If your going to write a story, then you should take the time to edit it or have someone that knows proper spelling and grammer to do it. Because the way it is now just makes me sick just trying to read this chapter, which means I won't even try to read the following chapters.
You need to use proper grammer. It bugs the hell out me to see a good story ruin because of spelling and grammer errors.
Good, keep it coming
Sailor Moon new anime has already aired two episodes, If you missed them you can watch them on youtube and episode 3 of Sailor Moon Crystal airs this Saturday. All four chapters are great, keep it coming
Late but nice chapters, keep it coming. Happy Belated Easter!
Keep it coming.
Nice chapters, keep it coming.
Great story, keep it coming.
this is amazing. i cant wait for more
Nykitty (Chapter 5) - Wed 03 Oct 2012
I absolutely love your story. Great job. It has a good plot. Maybe, and this is just suggestion, get a beta/or someone to proofread the story. It's a good storyLine the minor grammatical errors disrupt the flow a bit. But I'm going to finish reading.
your WALLOFTEXT chapters are too hard to read, please break them down some. Dokuga wants it's authors and readers to be able to enjoy what they are doing, but i cant read that.
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