"Why does Sesshoumaru speak in the third person?
I realize that he doesn't do this in either the manga nor the anime, but in the Japanese version he does. In Japanese culture, it is viewed as a speech impediment when present in adults. It is common with children, but can also occur with adults due to a lack of social interaction during childhood. Which is true for Sesshoumaru. "
Actually it is in no way and NOT a speech impediment. Back in that time the royals would speak in third person
1) to make it apparent that they are royal (which is quite stuck up-ish if you ask me. Though, some times its apparent/obvious and I can understand why.)
2) To let you know they are speaking to you formally. A type of form of formality back then if you say.
Only with family or people they trust would they drop it. Most the time though, I'm guessing that the others would drop it because it became tiring over the years and they saw it as pointless. Then, started pointing fingers and saying it was a speech impediment. Later it actually did become to such. It was a way for some people to cope and distance themselves because of being cautious. Not wanting to be left alone or constantly let down. It can sometimes be a Lot more complex than that as you have stated with one growing up with a lack of social life. I know because of a personal reason, and I had taken physiology. Also I had studied a bit on that subject when I was alone with my comp. or a few studies that I got to watch.
In the USA and I think England and Scotland. It was normal to speak that way. Only when the times changed did people nit pick and snicker. ‘Were equal. You can drop it you moron.’ Type of attitude. And that’s why it’s frowned upon I guess… just because it’s not normal. And that there aren’t really a lot of royal families left.
Hey, even in some languages they speak backwards! In that statement it still suprises me.
Love your story and I can't wait to continue. So when I'm finished typing my long ... review I'm guna get back to it. -grins and bows- Thank you. I guess this is one of my small 'rant' moments. Hope I didn't offend or anything.
Yay!!! More updates! :D *Does a happy dance*
Gah! Those slayers are a disgrace to humans everywhere!
I'm confused though as to how Sesshoumaru wasn't able to track or keep up with a human. Slayer or not, there has do be some magic playing there, because there is no way a human could outwit Sesshoumaru. Even if he wasn't a Daiyoukai, any youkai strong enough to take human form wouldn't be out manuevered, especially physically, by a human, so I'm curious to see how you explain what happened.
Update soon!!! ^_^
Keep it coming.
snowbird (Chapter 105) - Thu 19 Jul 2012
I hope he eliminates all those self righteous bastards. Poor naive Kagome is learning a lesson the hard way.
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