New reader here. I'm really interested in this story and can't wait to see how things progress. I read the Yellow Brick Road, and enjoyed how we saw into Kagome's mind and everyone's reaction to it, especially Sesshomaru's. So this story is sure to be interesting to see Sesshomaru help Kagome back to herself.
Please come back to this story. Looking forward to your next update.
Oh! Oh! I didn't realise it was this story until I was through the first few sentences. You have no idea how much I absolutely worship this story!! Even though it is so very dark, it is beautifully justified and realistic and it builds the story on a solid background.
I would love soooooo very much if could continue this again um, more frequently? (sorry! but am zealously greedy about this fic!) I'm ready to bribe you with almost anything to see more updates, plz? (Sorry again! I had to haggle that in! :P)
And, you made my week! I'm gonna savour each chapter from the start again before i read the update. :D
Yours eagerly!!
What a Heartbreaking story. This made me cry for all the lives lost because he is to stupid to see what's going on. He's worse than Naraku.
i love your dark fics...altho its even better if it does end so dark . heh heh heh.
i think good fics are 85% angst/dark and the rest happines....but only in the end.
You are the master of darkness Emmaren!
It makes us appreciate more the coming light.
Always your fan,
Kagome Ketchup
moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore must have moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore
I love the complexity of this story! Please update soon. I find myself wondering exactly what is to come for Kagome and Sesshomaru, what will Shippo do?? I lovvvee itttt!
Keep it coming.
K, I was sooo missing this fic. Thanks for the update. NOw!!! May our loving kitsune bring the bitter cold of hell upon the hanyou.
you jsut dont know how much, i LOVE your dark fiction, i mean it more then i could piossibly mean anything else :3 I hope we see more updates from you int he future and that life is treating you kindly ^_^ r0o will forever be a fan
Poor Kagome, I would glady deep fry Inuyasha's balls right now and force feed them to him for everything that he's done, then a couple more crucial body parts as well and kill him slowly, but that's just me. Sigh, so depressing, gonna go to sleep and dream of Sesshomaru coming up with the perfect killing technique and a good therapist for Kagome that can withstand reiki.
Glad to see you writing again! So far this is an intriguing story--and dark fic doesn't faze me, so keep going! =D
Keep it coming.
just ONE word will do....MORE!
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