Dear Maria, this story had me gripped to my very marrows. Your Kagome was brilliant. I thoroughly enjoy the way you write. This is the second story of yours I have read today, and I plan to read the rest thereafter.
Such a cliff hanger... Where is here? In her head? Saving her? If so, what about her father?
Wahhh i like the plottttt!!! Things are getting excitjng huhu qish youd update soon!!!! Great jooob
This is a wonderful story. I enjoy the rool you have given Kagome. She is always looked down as weak, but cerntainly not now. I can't wait for the next update!! Happy writing!
Oh how I fell in love with your story ! Please update , I can't put into words how amazing this story is!
Ack, so exciting! You have to update soon!
Hawwww after so long you have updated T_T and that too such a short chapter plzz update soon T_T
hmm the "darkness" of this chapter was quite nice and i like how kagome reacted to everything and how she slowly gave up because it DOES show that she isn´t this complete badass. so everything was nice so please continuw writing this fic
Sailor Moon new anime has already aired three episodes, If you missed them you can watch them on youtube and episode 4 of Sailor Moon Crystal airs this Saturday. Good, keep it coming
*spazzes out*
No why did it have to end when it was just getting good, please update soon.
omg yay a new chapter!!!!! Loved it :D I cant wait to see wat happens next!
Hate to break it to you after you did all that editing, but some of your tenses are still wrong... “Ah Chen, thank you. You had always been there for me.” Should be: "You have always been there for me." Past tense, like you used, means the person is no longer there to be spoken of. There are others but I don't want to bug you too much with them in one review. If you'd like, I can help you with your editing.
Can't wait for more.
I love this story keep it coming!.
Hey, sorry xD The previews review is my xD
I didn't realize that I wasn't logged in! xD
Anyway, here it is again! ;)
"Well, that sure toke Kag by surprise! :3
Thanks for the update! <3"
Well, that sure toke Kag by surprise! :3
Thanks for the update! <3
I will re-read it becaus it is worth being re-read. and i hope by the time I get back to chapter 19 you would have update again
i love this story, more please
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