Good, keep it coming
How God Created Mother God took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of a morning a dew The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of a twilight hour The soul of a starry night The laughter of the rippling brook, The grace of a bird in flight, Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, And when His masterpiece was through, He called it simply...MOTHER. Happy Mother's Day! M- is the million things she gave me. O- means only that she's growing old. T- is for the tears shed to save me. H- is for her heart of purest gold. E- is for her eyes, with love & light shining. R- means right, and right she'll always be. Happy Mother's Day!
Beautiful chapter. Update soon! Head over heals in love with this story
This was very well put. I love waterfalls, they can mesmorize. They also can bring a persons true heart, to show.
Ooooooh I've missed this tale of yours! I enjoy this playful Kagome. It appears she has slowly been "denting his impenetrable armour". Way to go Kagome! Fantastic update and thank you!
This chapter is so dam sweet. I think I'm going to cry and beauty and the beast is my favorite tale to. How wonderful. Please update soon. Your updates are always looked forward to
wow that was toture lol. I just knew they would kiss in that chapter. Love every min of it. Please give me more. I have a hungry that only this story can quensh. Please give me more!!!
I am finally all caught up, yay! I should have been to sleep hours ago but couldn't put this down. I have enjoyed this plot immensely. I almost cried when I though Shipo passed away. I didn't think Sesshomaru would have brought him back to life at all. Great job! I am however, relieved he did go back for him. Sessh is falling hard for Kagome. Toga's going to have plenty of, "I told you so's", saved up for his son hahahaha. I felt bad for Sango. I have enjoyed her double agent ruse and Miroku as Kagome's protective half-brother. You've done a lovely job with the characters. Great update!
This fic is so wonderfully written and extremely refreshing! Please continue soon :)
Just found this story of yours. Oh my goodness I love this!!!! Going to keep reading.
Awe how sweet. I cant tell you how long ive waited.for this chapter. its perfect, no its more.than perfect. Thank you for.updating. Ive reread this story to this point 2times.waiting for an update. Im so intrigued. I update soon. Thank you
Sweet!!! Please update soon.
O no! I hope Sesshoumaru is okay!
ahhh! i haven't been on Dokuga for a while now, but reading this AGAIN renewed my faith in the Dokuga-ers of the world!
Oh...the last line...
"Shut up hanyou, I was there for you first" I love it!!! arrogant to the end! Can't wait for the next update! (^__^)
Just found this story and read it in a few hours. Such a good tale. Can't wait for more!
I am obsessed with this story!! Please update soon I am DYING to find out what happens next! Great job (:
Well I forgive you for taking for ever to update. It was a good chapter surrounded in much chaos. Let's hope the next chapter is sooner than later. LoL! Good job
THIS CHAPTER WAS TOO CUTE. I was trying SOOO hard not to fangirl cus i am in Uni atm and ppl would judge me if i started flailing and sobbing. AAGH UPLOAD ANTHER SOON PLZ
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