all i can say is ewwwwww she saw him having sex with the corpse. thats nasty dude real nasty. i bet he runs back to that thing after its all over as well. something is wrong with his brain or something. who would want to him if he sleeping with something thats dead. ewwwww. you need to just let sesshoumaru beat some sense into him and get it over with girl.
LOLOLOL! Im going to die! Poor Sango! rofl!
?that really was a bad time to say something like that. but when is a good time seriously. inuyasha is all calm now but after the party is over is something bad going to happen? I hope not. he should have figured it out a long time ago. anyway great job again for so few words.
it seems everybody is starting to pick up on sesshoumaru's and kagome's disappearing act. you're a evil author drawing out the pain to come but i love every second of it. why don't they just tell the group whats going on? it would solve a lot of problems, but i guess they like the sneaking around.
you know i never thought about what if she got pregnant. and they are getting it on alot. you have to think would inuyasha attack a pregnant woman? that leaves me with a lot of questions. this dance is going to be crazy i can't wait. . .
that was so much fun. inuyasha as a cowboy now that is funny. but seriously how many ways does sesshoumaru have to spell it out before inuyasha gets a clue? i don't know about you but i can't wait for the ball to start. so many creatures are going to be confused or maybe they will have fun i never know.
this chapter was so cute. i love the way sesshoumaru whispers to kagome about things and calls her mate. but out loud he calls her the miko. so kagome gets to pick the theme for the dance, i wonder whats it going to be. besides that it going to be alot of females there looking to mate sesshoumaru. how is kagome going to deal with that?
what kind of appointment does he have i wonder that he's hurrying so. aleast sango took it well and didn't freak out. but i wonder how Inuyasha is going to take it. it seems to have been going on for a while and i don't see sesshoumaru giving kagome up.
Strange things indeed. who would have thought mating comes after insulting someone, only sesshoumaru and kagome can pull that off. well sango is taking it better than i thought. what about miroku will he find out as well? how will he take it?
he wants to see to the affairs and state of his people alright. sesshoumaru is such a honry dog, and inuyasha is so dumb he could walk in on them and still not believe it. socks was just so cute.
I would have to say her people are narrow mind to think humans and demons don't belong together. Sesshoumaru knew excatly what he was doing when he shredded her clothes. talk about laying it out for Inuyasha to figure it out. and what a way to find out too. your the greatest author ever . . .
'rub the magic lamp' I don't know coming from miroku that could be a bad thing. but it was mad funny. I LOVE IT
Another absolutely luscious chappie, all I can say is,"More, More and More"....
uh oh looks like they have been caught in the act. what are they going to do i wonder? i guess it is time inuyasha gets knocked down a peg or two. thinking kagome is going to wait on him and while he's sleeping with a dead thing, disgusting. another great job for such few words :)
i really like your drabbles they are funny and steamy. you even managed to drop in some major drama wow. these things are great i can't pick my favorite so i guess amazing job.
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