Aww... Kagome mighht be oblivious but at least Sesshomaru got a kiss!
Thanks for writing.
dictionary sized volumes?
i might have to steal your lines!
that's total blush worthy
I am absolutely enamored with this plot! To think that the great Sesshoumaru could be so helplessly in like with Kagome is the most adorable thing ever! Keep up the great work!
I thought this was a cute chapter. I could just imagine what people where thinking when they heard them reading from the book out loud! Update soon!
Checkmate, Sess-Mom! ^_^ Poor Miroku; rock and a hard place.
Oh dear... I just realized how very Awkward things will likely become for both Kagome and Sesshomaru as soon as Miroku spills the beans.
Hopefully Sango will (eventually) be forgiving towards the boys for what is to come... I don't expect her to forgive as quickly as Kagome, regardless.
Thanks so much for writing!
His mom is really set on getting him a girl! I'm loving the story.
I kinda cracked up when Sesshoumaru answered his cell with "moshi, moshi." I don't know why since the Japanese answer the phone that way. I guess I always pictured Sessh to be the kind of guy to answer with "Hai." Never thought of him as a "moshi, moshi" type I guess.
This story is good! Keep it up!
I don't know if KAGOME will sleep well tonight... but I'm sure SESSHOMARU will! ^_^
Too cute! At least now if Sesshomaru was paying attention he knows a kind of book Kagome likes and also has a hint that they might scare her away from sleeping. Useful information, that.
Thanks for writing
"knotty" ...? I think you meant "naughty" ;)
I about stopped breathing from laughing too hard when Sesshomaru asked Miroku for his own name. Too, too funny!
At least afterwards Sesshomaru had some decent, non-embarrassment-inducing time with Kagome! Even if it Was on a more business level.
Thanks for writing!
I thought she already new who Sess was?
HAHAHAHAHA, oh goodness, I literally LOL'd outloud. I feel so bad for Sesshoumaru right now!
PLEASE update soon!
How cute! She patted his hand rendering him mute and lowering his rage!
Lucky for Miroku...
Hm... does SessMom know her son wants KAGOME? :headtilts: Why else for the specifcs on the mate advertisement?? Of course Kagome wouldn't make a connection... but why Would she?
Oh my god! This story is sooo freakin hilarious! Poor Sesshomaru always getting the short end of the stick! I can't wait to find out what happens next
OMG YES! A thousand times YES. I loved it so much. Lololololawlrus.
This is very funny, and sweet, and I dearly hope you continue, if only to relieve Sesshomaru's suffering. :D
This is very cute, Opal! Keep up the good work!
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