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shell (Chapter 1) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

Besides what Gmail does is that is combines all of the emails from one sender together, so if you send multiples it reads as one. :) 

shell (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012


I find it lovely to see wonderful updates, it makes my day to have so many. :)
Gives something to look forward to besides, tedious email.  

You are fantastic and the pace in which the story is going is great too.

Keep it up! I know I will be one happy reader to see updates.  

Geekazoid (Chapter 203) - Wed 29 Feb 2012
I really love this story and I'm really glad you updated a lot but I ended up with 31 email notifications all at one time. I really loves this story but dude come on

Alexandra (Chapter 182) - Tue 28 Feb 2012

Lover's spats are so funny.

Thanks for the updates! It's so interesting how, little by little, the story unfolds. It's so dynamic.

Loveyaa (Chapter 172) - Tue 28 Feb 2012

Seems like Rin is overcompensating and Kagome is nice enough to go along with it. It also seems like Kagome's is constantly fighting off sad times and memories. Are we going to get to find out what happened to her and why she is like this? I can't wait to see what happens next though and how long this visit lasts :)

baka_juju2000 (Chapter 171) - Tue 28 Feb 2012

I am very much loving this story! It's amazing. Can't wait to read more! Keep up the good work!

ChaosNinja (Chapter 171) - Mon 27 Feb 2012

MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want much, MUCH more of this! I LOVE it!!!!!!! More please! :D

RubyJeweler (Chapter 167) - Mon 27 Feb 2012

How nice that they hanged out together. ( ;

Alexandra (Chapter 164) - Mon 27 Feb 2012

LOL! How cute. ^__^

Rin and her husband are so adorable.

Mangageek (Chapter 93) - Sat 25 Feb 2012
Here's a review, for you, that rymed :D anyway even though the chapters are short I still very much like this story.

baka_juju2000 (Chapter 160) - Fri 17 Feb 2012

I am absolutely loving this story! I can't wait to read what you have next. Keep up the good work! :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 160) - Mon 13 Feb 2012

Well nice of Rin to notice but not really say anything bout it. It seems like Kagome's will have a good time and yet be reminded of all that she can't (?)/ doesn't have. I wonder if they will stay for a little while then leave and if Sesshoumaru will go with them. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

RubyJeweler (Chapter 160) - Fri 10 Feb 2012

Awww...little Rin is all grown up with a family of her own. How adorable! ^.0

Hawaiian_Gurl (Chapter 143) - Fri 10 Feb 2012

Hahahaha  Oh  sesshy   you horn dog lol  i laugh really hard  when i read this chapter  ~ :3 


hitnrun (Chapter 153) - Fri 10 Feb 2012
Yeah, and Rin, on the otherhand, is refined and elegant and without a scar on her body, I'm sure, what with all the youkai etiquett classes given by Sess and seeing how Sess never allowed her to lift a finger. I'm sorry, I just find it very unlikely. Then again, Sess with Kagome? We're all just doing wishful-thinking in this website, aren't we?

hitnrun (Chapter 148) - Fri 10 Feb 2012
Why would Rin question Sess' whereabouts? He's not her mate and his ward duties were over once she gained a husband. He never really provided for her except for a kimono now and then and protection; she never wore shoes when he does and she did her own foraging. I highly doubt he'd allow her and her husband to shack with him at his fortress much less along with their brood. Jaken, in the canon, did say something about a youkai fortress being no place for a human, that's why Sess dropped her off with Kaede. And let me guess, you too will have her speak in 3rd person like everybody does. For fans you claim to be, you people don't really follow the manga or the anime. Many writers just came up with how Sess and Rin ought to be and made it into a rule and everybody just follows like lemmings.

Kessa (Chapter 137) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

I think I'm addicted to this story, I read the whole thing in one go!

Thank you so much for your review to my story: Path to Healing, I was shocked when I saw your name, I love your work :)

I can't wait to see more, thank you for updating so often!

koneji (Chapter 129) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

What an odd logic, but I find myself agreeing with him because it does make perfect sense. I love it when something like that occurs =D

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 128) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

shippo! D: poor kagome!

koneji (Chapter 127) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

That's something you don't see very often, if at all! Cute~

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