Pretty good story but watch the typos and pronouns. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Please spell-check your work; there are many errors. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to put an advertisement on the forum for a Beta reader, as you could also use a bit of assistance with your grammar.
Venita (Chapter 2) - Thu 29 Dec 2011
This story is interesting, please update soon. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
inukoi (Chapter 2) - Wed 28 Dec 2011
Good Story so far, i really like it and can't wait to see where you take it. A tip for you, never use text type in your writing. If you want to say laugh out loud write it never put LOL. It takes away from your story and makes you look like a poor writer. But besides that i am enjoying your story and can't wait to see what happens next.
Diane (Chapter 1) - Wed 28 Dec 2011
Plot seems OK, but it really needs to be run through a spellchecker because you have lots of spelling mistakes, you also said Kagome has 4 tails & then reduced it to 3 when they find Sess & Rin.
I love it can't wait to see more n.n
miki (Chapter 1) - Wed 28 Dec 2011
Seems as each member of the taichi doesn't know what wish the others did? a bit strange for me. Also...kagome isn't powerful enough that she always has her tails and not an human form? ( i just things there is a need for some more explanation than just what you did until now)
all the best
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