AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The phone conversation was my favorite part so far! I love the ending especially - how cruel to leave us with such a cliff hanger! Please update soon!
Hello to you!
wow, it's very beatiful :)
LOL, I want to spent Christmas ALONE with Sesshomaru too! ^^
Oh God, luckily the girls are safe...even if Kagome is about to break down...
Now that I read all of this, I can't wait to see what'll happen now..
Update soon ^^
Bye bye
Ennui (Chapter 9) - Wed 24 Oct 2012
Oh my! Not only has she run into Youkai in the future, but those that know THE Lord Sesshomaru! Oh that was an eeeevill way to end the chapter. Keep them wanting more!
I'm so glad Sesshomaru recognized Kagome for who she is - although, her ranting rambling (so in character) about fighting demons and destroying Naraku was proof enough of who she is. I had to laugh at her.
Great update. I can't wait to see what happens!
Keep it coming.
COAIM (Chapter 9) - Wed 24 Oct 2012
AURHF><><><< new chapter?!??!?!?!@ soon??
tify (Chapter 9) - Wed 24 Oct 2012
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now ol' fluffy goes into shock... Such a good chapter. I needssss more! Gotta know if the wolfs will try to turn Kagome into the council and what her and Sesshoumaru's first meeting will be like.
Emma (Chapter 9) - Wed 24 Oct 2012
I love this story!
Really enjoying this & can hardly wait for the next chapter. I think you got what goes where messed up here; "Wrap my hands around your neck" the demoness with a face pale as the snow and hair dark as night instructed. When Kagome didn't instantly respond, the demoness glared. my & your should probably be switched, unless she wants Kagome to commit voluntary murder/suicide with her help or something.
Well this just got exciting! I can't wait for more! XD On the side of a review, I really enoy how Kagome's cahnge in situation handling is being addressed, and it was summed up so wonderfully and emotionally in Kagome's outburst. :] I can't wait to see how this all unfolds!
Love it! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Oh ho ho. Interesting ;) Can't wait to see what happens next~
This is getting soooooo interesting..........!!!!!! Longer chapters perhaps or more updates...? Please? Pretty please?
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! -squeals- I love itttttt!!! I can't wait to read what happens next!!!
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