*stares at screen*
That's it?
Update, and I will shove a mogwai through the screen for you, I promise. I just...NEED TO KNOW....
What happens next.
You know, that is probably one of the most perfect Sesshoumaru portrayal's I've -ever- seen in fanfiction, and in 100 words no less. Fantastic.
*shuffles around* Hold on one....second...
Beware, it's cuter than the pudgy puppy (which, I admit I cheated and used a baby pic of Hudson, because he's much bigger now).
...Is he dead?
I await the answer... cliffiewritingrabblerabble
Okay, time for the big guns. *exits* *returns*
I will shove my ultra cute derpy dog through the screen for puppy kisses if you update soon.
This is him: http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee492/thehattertheory/hudson.jpg
*looks around bed*
Okay, I'm out of Sesshy's, Inu Papas, Kagome, kittens, puppies AND rainbows. I do have: 1 piercing bible, 1 greys anatomy (the book, not the show) 1 bag of mini reeses, plushie freddie, michael and jason, and a box of rooster boosters (energy drinks).
I can hunt something cyoot for you. OR, I can shove freddie through a screen along with some reeses. I admit Im feeling kind of lazy at the moment, so it'll probbaly be the chocolate and the angry looking plushie. Hope the chocolate makes up for any spontaneous life the plushie gains through the tubes.
But, awesome chapter. I'm actually kind of sad he's leaving. Will he show up later?
*proceeds to shove kittens, puppies, rainbows, teletubbies, sd kagomes, sesshys and of course INU PAPAS through the screen*
-The internet blanks, there is a great, overreaching darkness that takes over the land, and somewhere, the sonic boom of a thousand fangirls screaming in joy echoes in reaction to multiple inu papas and sesshys explode from their screens-
Congratulations, you made me break the internet. But, there are rewards.
Anywho, amazing update, especially the interupted bits, because I can see him growing more than slightly uncomfortable, and her more than slightly disgusted (as in very).
After inu papas, I really don't know what to offer besides more harrassment, which I can readily promise. I'm sure I'll think of something soon.
Ever cruel with your little cliffies. But um... not to sound ultra rude, I know discovering Sasori is rather stupefying, but doesn't she need to get the sword back to Inu Yasha (I could be totally off on timing an everything, I have no sense of it whatsoever)?
Anywho, srsly, update.the.fic.
Like NAO!
*compiles all things cyoot:rainbows,kittens,puppies,teletubbies, sd sesshys and kagomes (yes, multiples) and inu papas*
Update soon and all of this will come through the screen. I will flood you with cyoot and awesome.
YESYESYESYESYES! *dances, leaps and twirls*
So many awesome updates, although I think the last line from this chapter is my favorite so far. Just the awkwardness implied is too awesome. I can't wait for another update.
So far I really, really like Sasori. However I'm extremely confused about his purpose.
And Kagome needs to stop chatting with him a moment and just GET TETSUSAIGA TO INUYASHA. I mean come on already! ~enough is enough and time is of the essence and all that jazz.
Thanks for writing.
That was a weird interaction, but then again it is Kagome. I wonder why he was kicking tessiaga though, and why he wouldn't stop Kagome knowing that she is planning to kill his mother. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
*'one arm' statement triggers a small mental implosion*
Okay, okay. I can wait. *breathes* Kind of.
Update soon?
... well she came to that conclusion slower than I expected. I actually thought she'd figured it out Last chapter.
What is Tessaiga had an ultra deep black man voice? I imagine James Earl Jones for some reason. Just another silly thought.
Fyi, cliffies are just mean.
Can;t wait for the next update.
In another alternate universe, Tessaiga's handle slams into her forehead. (I always picture something incredibly awkward happening when someone says 'what the...').
Awesome update!
I won't complain about the shortness, because it's supposed to be short. But argh! This is such a good story, and I want to read more, and there's none left. Blarghnots. Please update soon, this is really, really interesting, and I like the differences from other IY fics I've read.
I love your story. I like the idea of no one getting peace after Naraku's defeat due to his crazy mate. I look forward to your next chapter.
Hm... it's so hard to read Sesshomaru's thoughts in this chapter. Other than disgust and anger at Naraku having a mate.
oh, and Trelweny's just fine. ^_^ The surname's just because when asked for a 'penname' I had a thought to add it.
Thanks for writing!
very interesting fic so far, i like it lol....keep it up.
Booyaka! Thank you! I often think of Tenseiga as a HEALING sword, but never in the canon and seldom even in fanfiction is it used in a healing fashion other than raising the dead. I LOVE that you've given it this chance.
Now... to see what evil is trying to hold captive Kagome's soul and what Tenseiga plans to Do about it!
Thanks so much for writing!
You're doing such a nice job with this series. Good on ya!
At first I wasn't all that interested in drabbled collections, but after having read a few decent ones, I find myself quite taken with them. While they are just horrible little teases, they have a certan je ne sais quoi about them that I've come to adore.
Can't wait for more!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.