HAHAHA!!! Talk about a huff! Too funny!
YEOW! Nanny and Aunt. Too funny. This is so good.
Personally...altogether not a bad place to be. Very nice.
Ah the nanny. Jaken must be like a cat, with numerous lives. I'm sure Sessh has killed him on more than one occasion.
Okay that is one bold lady! Does she run the household or is this mom??
Man she did that while he was flying!! The girl is tough! Really enjoying this.
Aw...Sweet, a little scary. That is one big beastie. I do love it when he purrs.
Oh No! Poor Inu!! Sure hope that can be reversed Somewhere down the road.
I like Yashas beast. He has a bit of sense it seems. I don't think I would want Sessh growling at me.
Wow I had to pick a point to stop reading and review. Poor Sasori (I really liked that name but not the villian in Naruto), he is really stuck in a nasty spot. Mom is a psycho! And now she is back...
Thanks do much for this great well written story!
I am just really enjoying this story. I don't mind the drabbles. When they are well done, they leave you with a cliffie and just hanging on for more. You are doing a great job. I was up to chap 35 before I knew it. So I had to come back and do some reviewing.
I like that you are not beating up on poor Inuyasha. I'm a big Sessh fan but I get a little tired of the Inu bashing too and I'd like him to have a happy ending too. He grew so much during the series. And I do like his ears.
I like the new evil characters. Great job!
I love when you update. Flood away.:)
i can't wait to see when Sesshoumaru brings out the big guns to save Inuyasha. Poor boy has been a stone figure for ahile
I'm not really seeing how his being a third wheel plays into the story? Is this still about Kagome and Sesshoumaru but with him always hovering nearby? When the story slowed down development wise I thought some shift with Kagome's view of Sesshoumaru was about to happen. Instead it's a third character that she has zero interest in. I guess I'm overly eager to see them interact (I love how you have them interact together) and the plot that's so interesting to move forward. Drabble series are challenging for readers too. :-)
I'm really in love with this story!!!! It's so creative and different. I had never read about Naraku having a mate before, never thought about it either!
Soooo cannot wait for more!!!
Thank you for a wonderful story!
awesome! more please!
Eh? He is her choosen one? I don't get it. Please update soon!
... Well, that's a mess...
I don't review much. But I wanted to say. I like this. I think you keep Sesshoumaru in character nicely. I have enjoyed all 300 and more of the chapters so far. My only critique that I might add (and please don't take it as a harsh critisim its a minor thing.) sometimes Kagome comes off a little to bad ass for me, but thats a personal preferance and I still love her in yoru story. I love all your oringinal characters as well. And so much great Ah-Un love. :)
Sailor Moon new anime has already aired three episodes, If you missed them you can watch them on youtube. Good chapter, keep it coming
This story is so stupid and dumb, April Fools!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.