The next one is shorter, I want to be happy because you will post soon but you just had to throe the word short in there?You're killin me Smalls.. Please update soon love the story.(:
Well thanks for the update.
And we leave Kagome teetering on the brink in the arms of a pervert. ..
Wow such a cliffhanger! 5 great updates! Thank you so much! Oh that would be so amazing to see this drawn out. Looking forward to that. Cheers!
Yeah he was always sexy evil. Great chapter! Thanks so much.
Thes updates come from heaven lol (:! Love the story keep up the great work.
Oh Naraku better enjoy his time with Kagome-chan while he can because Sesshoumaru won't be putting up with him as soon as the barrier drops.
Oh he better enjoy his time while he can because Sesshoumaru won't be putting up with him as soon as the barrier drops.
I hate leaving just one review for 10 luscious chapters but...but, I could not stop reading long enough to write one until the end. Oh my, he is still a stinker isn't he? These were all just wonderful. Thanks so much for updating. Live all the work you do to keep us happy! Cheers!
I have been reading this story for Four years?! Hott damn, well I haven't commented in forever I am glad to see and update! I will keep on reading and I hope you don't give up. Next time I will actually log in to comment lol (: keep up the great work!
Oh Thank You so much for 10 Wonderful chapters! This has been one of my favorites and I am always glad to see updates in my email! Cheers!
Please tell me why she is chatting up this guy and not running back to help inu?
I was just reading your story just found it first yes its very good and nice twist. Second good for you sticking up for your story. Do pay those trolls no mind .
That Naraku is delighted wicked. He doesn't understand that good things come to those who wait and we are being so very patient. It has been worth it thus far. I'd love to see Naraku reduced to a lowly human.
Entertaining I loved it all
Short sweet chappies well written, love the plot start a little winding but still definitely good see you got me writing, we are on a roll keep on the white line you are Awesome
I love your story. This last little piece is so hard. Kagome isn't built to hate. she would be so effected by even his torture. Sesshoumaru may regret it.
Love, love, love this story!!! Good work!!!
503 chapters! Yippee! I so appreciate the hard work you do to keep within the restrictions of the Drabble concept and keep the story flowing nicely. Poor Kags. That would be hard to watch. Thanks again for these wonderful updates. Hugs to you!
That's our sweet girl, feeling sorry for someone who has done nothing to deserve it.
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.