I know I'm not normally a faithful reviewer- I'm horrid about remembering to do such, in fact. But I figured I'd drop you a quick line- waking someone from night terrors is actually beneficial. In fact, some people with PTSD are lucky enough to get service dogs to alert (it's refered to as "alerting" when an assistance animal lets their handler know of an anxiety/panic attack, seizure, low/high blood sugar, etc) to their panic attacks and even wake them from their night terrors. The dogs have helped the few with them begin to heal and to deal with the outside world. I wish the military made it more of a goal to pair men returning with PTSD with such dogs, but alas, that takes time, energy, and caring that the VA does not invest in our returned troops.Sadness. ~~~~ On a different note, I'm enjoying the story a lot! Very different, and I can't wait to see where it ends up!
I've been enjoying the story thus far, but have to confess to some confusion. Mind you,tall confusion likely is all brought on by my own brain fog issues (I have health issues that cause memory loss), but I'm confused as to how Sesshomaru and Kagome went from acquaintances to engaged. It seems to me like they fought against a common enemy, things went downhill, and then when Sesshomaru arrived at the castle, he was suddenly engaged to Kagome. Did I miss something or is it just my brain playing tricks on me?