Great story, keep it coming.
You definitely showed up and showed out for my challenge, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!
I like the originality of this--even though you're doing a crossover type thing, this still reads like an original plot, and I LOVE it! The humor is there, the mystery is there, and you have me totally hooked! I like how you made Kaede more of a mentor than a grandmother figure, and Kikyo's haughty attitude is very well written.
If I have any criticism, it's that you had a few misspellings and dropped words. I would suggest writing your story in Microsoft Word if you don't already and using the built in spell check before uploading.
Other than that, you've done an awesome job! I can't wait to see what you come up with next! Thanks again for entering!
Alice (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 Sep 2011
Another new story! :)
I love How to Train Your Dragon and I love this story so far too!
hey :D
First of all, thank you for your kind review. It warmed up my heart to know that you like it, when you obviously write so well yourself. I am quite impressed and whelmed by your idea. It's original and fallows the idea of the movie, so good job on that. You have a few misspelled words and typing thingies, but those are minor, though they tend to get a bit annoying as I neared the end of your chapter.
Second, you used "kame" in your dialog. Kame means frog, turtle in japanese. Kami is the correct version, which means god.
Either than that, I want to read more from you, so I will begin my long journey soon. I just had to review your story. I liked it <b>that</b> much. XD I can't wait to read your next chapter. In comparison with your story, mine is... meah... unimportant and not at all interesting. It kind of lacks... that special thing your story has ^^
So, good job and good luck in the future. Something tells me that your story is going to be one of the best I had read so far (and I read a lot XD)
Thank you for this piece of ART!!!
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