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Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 106) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

I love this chapter the best so far I think! Its just so true! lol

Allyonora (Chapter 114) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Sess is going to future?? I wanna see that!


Ohhh, I'm in love with this fic!

thebookworm90 (Chapter 109) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

It's "surprising" how asking about the mating situation bothered him the most, when it has nothing to do with him and thier situation.

Loveyaa (Chapter 105) - Wed 19 Oct 2011

Uhh...and the shoe is now on the other foot. I wonder how Sesshoumaru feels bout that. That was a ncie way to sidestep the problem of Kouga offering. Its quite entertaining how Kagome scolds both of them but then can't quite hold her own when Sesshoumaru finally gets his wits about him. I wonder how this will change the dynamic between them. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

GreyEcho (Chapter 105) - Wed 19 Oct 2011

8D I'm so glad I stayed up a little later so I could read your new chapters.  I was purposely looking for them, sad I know. ^.^ But... They made my night, especially the last one. : )

Loveyaa (Chapter 99) - Tue 18 Oct 2011

Wow. kagome sure knows how to put them in their place. I wonder what will happen when Sesshoumaru comes to his senses though or when Kouga offers to take Kagome the rest of the way. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

GreyEcho (Chapter 99) - Tue 18 Oct 2011

XD That last chapter was awesome~! hahahha. I could just picture the look.

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 99) - Mon 17 Oct 2011

O.o… I wish I could have seen his face

Teresa (Chapter 99) - Mon 17 Oct 2011

Hahaha!  Enjoying this story very much!

Thoughtful confusion (Chapter 99) - Mon 17 Oct 2011

Oh, great job as always! I absolutely loved Kagome scolding both of the youkai, it's so... Kagome-like! And it's funny...^::^

Lumi (Chapter 99) - Mon 17 Oct 2011

The image of a tongue-tied, chastised Sesshomaru has me all sorts of giggling! Can't wait to see where this goes.

Allyonora (Chapter 96) - Sun 16 Oct 2011

I died laughing of the "This Sesshoumaru" chapter! Best dialogue ever!

I can't wait to know what'll happen when Kouga enter the picture!

Great work!


GreyEcho (Chapter 92) - Sun 16 Oct 2011

HAhahhahaah! Nice one! XD Point for Kagome.

Lily Noir (Chapter 92) - Sun 16 Oct 2011

Hahahahaha.... hilarous, if Sessh doesn't fall for her soon, I'll declare him mentally unstable.


Nilee1 (Chapter 92) - Sun 16 Oct 2011

LOL--great line!

Teresa (Chapter 89) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

Oh, snap!  Loving it so far!

Lillian (Chapter 85) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

*frowny face*


These are sadddd. Make it happy! *imperiosu command*


Just kidding: they were needed, but...




Loveyaa (Chapter 80) - Thu 13 Oct 2011

I have been hesitant to read your story but have finally given in to it. I am glad that I have. I think you are doing a splendid job with the drabbles. I enjoy the humor present in all of them and can't wait to see where else it goes before this duo make it back. I like that you get so much out of Kagome and Sesshoumaru and yet it seems so natural (my favorite when Sesshoumaru pats himself on the back for being so smart with the sleeping Kagome). I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Allyonora (Chapter 80) - Thu 13 Oct 2011

Oh, I love the interaction between those two! 

Sess sleeping and driving was priceless!


headalphafemale (Chapter 80) - Wed 12 Oct 2011

Sesshomaru feeling approved of by Kagome, that was a pleasant surprise. I really liked that chapter. Sesshomaru catching a falling Kagome was funny, Sesshomaru holding on to a sleeping limp Kagome just priceless! Though Iam sure he just told himself it was only out of duty  for her safety, he seemed to enjoy it till she woke up embarassed by their closeness. If this keeps up, he just may run out of excuses. Thank you, for your cute story, I do hope there will be more soon.

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