yeah... inupapa should slap him upside the head for being an idjit.
ouch. :cringes: yeah... forgot about what Sesshomaru said about children earlier... eep. No wonder Kagome's doubly anxious. oh boy.
Mou. Not good. I'd rather they not get back together because of a baby (pup. whatever.) but whatever works. puckernuts... things like this always seem to happen with bad communication.
Please don't feel rushed to get out more chapters. There were a lot of silly little typo errors in this chapter and personally I'd rather see a chapter take longer to have it checked over and cleaned up. :hugs: Just makes it an easier read as well as looking better. Hope you understand.
Thanks for writing!
KT (Chapter 16) - Mon 22 Aug 2011
O - O; Pregnant... she is probably pregnant... oh boy oh boy
I can't wait to see Sesshoumaru,s reacation. Great work!
Smooth, Sesshomaru. Real smooth. :rolls eyes: Way to tell her how you feel.
Not that Kagome gave him any room to Explain either.
Always two sides to a misunderstanding.
Thanks for writing!
joyouki (Chapter 16) - Mon 22 Aug 2011
OMG what the heck....A one sentence chapter update.....eeewwww this is the worst cliffie i have experienced lol
Sakura (Chapter 14) - Mon 22 Aug 2011
This story's Awesome! I love it! Hope u update really soon!
avid reader (Chapter 13) - Sun 21 Aug 2011
Orchid (Chapter 13) - Sun 21 Aug 2011
I like it so far! I hope Hinten makes her happy and drives the emotionally confused Sesshoumaru up the wall!!!
Loving this story. I though Kagome would have been the one to back out, I think she should have broke it off with him first. Oh well but I love where this is going keep it up!!!
Sessygurl (Chapter 7) - Thu 18 Aug 2011
I loved how you brought them together it was really good. I cant wait for more! I think neither one of them want to admit they mean more to each other than they are letting on.
I like your story.
Sessygurl (Chapter 6) - Wed 17 Aug 2011
Good luck with that Sess!
Giannix (Chapter 6) - Wed 17 Aug 2011
Love your fic ! update soon :D
Kamille (Chapter 1) - Wed 17 Aug 2011
I love this FanFic!!!!!!! keep writing!!!!
amy (Chapter 2) - Mon 15 Aug 2011
They will know when she gets pregnant!
I love the story line but you do need a little help with simple grammer problems... I'm not going to suggest that you get a beta because it doesn't work for every one. Try slowing down and rereading what you have written. Read it out loud and use spell check and a dictionary if possible. Other than that I love it and can't wait for the next chapter.
Always, Kristale
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