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insomniac_amy (Chapter 22) - Wed 10 Aug 2011

Sorry to hear about you having medication problems. I hope everything gets better for you soon.

I absolutly loved this new chapter! It was so cute. I was giggling the whole time I read it. I think about how serious kids sometimes are and can just imagine that doubled with a 7 year old Sesshoumaru asking his father about courting. Loved the part at the end where Touga says "That's my boy" LOL

Great job Amber!

cakeiton (Chapter 22) - Wed 10 Aug 2011

hehehehehehehe this one made me giggle

TruGemini (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

Oh Man! She had such a strong argument goig for her too. The little info about Inu no Taisho inserted in there was great. Now, how to get her to realize she has lost?

TKE (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

I'm hanging by a thread!!!!!

helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

oh...juicy. so...seriously how is she gonna prevent getting pregnant?


I totally bet one of their daughters will have the strength and ambition to become heir...I mean Kagome and Sesshomaru are already mixing it up with the lord mating a miko and their hanyous will be stronger then the full blooded youkai...wait...if one of their daughters becomes heir would she become the next lord then? would she also have to take 2 mates...1 for political and 1 for love...unless she takes after her mother's heart and rebels. wonder how others wold think of having a female lord...and her having 2 mates. seriously Kagome and the effect she has on everyone will eventually cause a big domino effect and I doubt she'd really want any of her kids *adopted or otherwise* to mate/marry for politics...she'd definitely change everything in the end...or will be the catalyst for that change.


anyway totally LOVE this storyline you're doing and I hope you might turn it into a full blown big many ways this all could go.


hopefully there's gonna be no official business where Sesshomaru and both of his mates have to appear...that'd definitely set his plans on getting Kagome back several years/decades. or will really stress her out if she is pregnant. wonder how the first mate will act toward Kagome and Arata...and any of Kagome's other kids.

FayeMegan (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

Ahhh I love this story line! Please update it again soon ^_^

katdemon18 (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

gah! stupid sesshomaru, seeing her children fight so seriously would break kagome's heart! even if arata isn't the child of her body he's one of the children of her heart and she would never be able to stand her children acting towards each other the way sesshomaru and inuyasha acted towards one another

inu no taishi was a younger son? does that mean he killed his older brother during a battle for dominance? once again, would totally break kagome's heart

and of course they'd have sons, kagome would know that sesshomaru's line is predisposed to sons, yay for modern knowledge of genetics and if/when they did have daughters then those daughters would inevitably end up in the position of first mate and always have to worry about being replaced with a second mate if/when they mated lords of their own which, again, would break kagome's heart to see her daughters in such a position

poor kagome! stupid tradition

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

awe i'm still sad for kagome, and amused by sesshomaru in this :3

TKE (Chapter 20) - Sat 06 Aug 2011

sad but beautiful!!!!!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 20) - Sat 06 Aug 2011

awe YeY for growing up!

insomniac_amy (Chapter 20) - Sat 06 Aug 2011

I really liked Inuyasha's character in this. While I enjoy the stories where he is being a major prick and practically pushing Kagome into Sesshoumaru's arms, I liked seeing him be mature about it and gracefully bowing out. 

Kudos to you for another great chapter.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 19) - Fri 05 Aug 2011

awe poor kagome! Booooooooo Inuyasha!

TruGemini (Chapter 19) - Fri 05 Aug 2011

That was beautifully sweet. I really liked that one.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 19) - Fri 05 Aug 2011

AAAAWWWW So sweet!!

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 18) - Fri 05 Aug 2011

As a christian, I am ashamed. As a history buff, I'm disgusted by the statistic...oi, the stupidity is running rampant in our society. Lovely updates, really enjoyed the measure of a man, I hope you will continue that one.

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 16) - Fri 05 Aug 2011


Hahahahahaha! Ohhh so true. I feel bad for the offspring of stupid people, because they will either have no hope whatsoever, or they'll actually be a tad bit intelligent, and have to live with stupid parents. :P Loved the chapter. Accidental vasectomy... ROFL


Saraniya (Chapter 18) - Fri 05 Aug 2011

I did not know that was an actual stat...very sad and sad that Inuyasha believes it...

FayeMegan (Chapter 18) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

W-what? People actually believe that? T_T mind=blown.

darkmoonlight (Chapter 18) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

You must be joking!! Are my countrymen really that stupid?? Good Lord save us from stupidity!!

Noacat (Chapter 18) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

That is a scary factoid. 

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