The story was great.
You always know how to throw everything together to make an awesome story! AND ITS LONG AND MADDIE LOVES READING LONG STUFF!
I love this whole creation of the world and why each being exist, it's very neat. Although, I know the world of Inuyasha, it felt like I was reading this book prologue; neat! I love that.
Seriously, my heart was in my throat, and my heart pounding the whole time. This is really great r0o. And I totally agree with Shadow, THIS NEEDS MORE.
Like now? :D You got me captivated. Pft. When don't you.
Kristen (Chapter 2) - Sat 13 Aug 2011
Amazing. I especially loved this chapter. Immensely.
Kirai (Chapter 2) - Mon 08 Aug 2011
That was a cool story. i really liked it r0o. It needs a little minor editting but nothing major. I really liked it.
@_@ You know, i think once this tournament is over, you should do a chapter fic on this. For the short bit you had to write it in I think it was amazing. But so much more could done with it if you rewrite it in a longer script. the idea in this was excellent, and the whole setting very powerful. So tell me, my r0oish one, what sort of bribery is needed to get you to rework this into a chapter fic? :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Have I ever told how much I love stories like this? No? well, now you know.
Besides that... THIS IS SUPERAWESOME!!!! blood thirsty kagome and feral sess... *swooons*
Kirai (Chapter 1) - Fri 15 Jul 2011
OMG! r0o! you are sooo ebil! that was an utter tease! I wanted some smutty goodness. Any chance you could make an alternate smutty version of this that us guttermarbles can read and love!!! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!! I will bribe you with another chapter of CURSE!!
Patricia (Chapter 1) - Sun 03 Jul 2011
muahahahaaaa!!! Poor kitten ears... muahahahahaaaa!!! I adores this one.
Madison (Chapter 1) - Sat 02 Jul 2011
I'm sorry I don't know how I didn't die laughing. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS SO FUNNY! Ahaha, "what does Kagome need in the morning?" Lmao, she needs to follow Inuyasha's advice and get laid ahahah. I'm still laughing so hard. And all that hinting a sexual stuff. You are killing me. Write a MA version? Ahaha.
This was awesome r0o!
LOL!! R0o, you are the awesomesauce!! That part about the nipples totally SLAYED me. I swear, I was having the most disturbing mental images while trying hard not to choke on poorly-concealed laughter. LOL! Grumpy mornings FTW! I can totally relate - I grunt to get what I want in the morning. Kagome is obviously another one, avec a full dose of violence.
Throw in our hottie and we have an awesome oneshot!! Woohoo! You rock my socks, girl!
Hahahahahaha! subject of many wet dreams. :x Hahahaha! Kitten ears! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Though really he had a point, that usually takes the grumps out of most people for a little while. >_> Also, morning people give me headaches usually. I'm mean when I wake up, lol. SO I totally get where Kags is comin from.
NIPPLES! DO I HAZ THEM?Hahahahahaha! That was freaking awesome. And twat! Omg I woke him and both puppies up laughing whe I saw that. I freaking love that word hahahaha! Omg r0o, I Loves! Awesome job mah weedwacker!
What a way to start the morning... ^-^ I laughed so hard!
kitten ears...
*dies laughing*
OMG.. Need a Part Two!! Too funny.. Kitten Ears??! LMAO!
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