No, no ,no, how could you leave it at that... This was an awesome chapter but please update again soon. I'm dying to read more.
Wow. Looking forward to the next.
I must read more!
Great update! I wonder who Akira will be and if Kagome by chance already knew him. Please update again.
You have me at the edge of my seat!!!
WOW! What will they find in kagomes world.
cant wait. Will we see a much need reunion?
Interesting as always. Looking forward to reading more.
This is by far one of the most original fics I've read. I can't wait to see more updates! Sincerely hope you're able to complete this story.
Wow I found this and read it through took about two days wonderful. Looking forward to next chap good work loving your writing. Style. New fan
This a very good story. I have been reading it for days reminding myself of how it goes.
it has been so long. Now i know you said it was a little slow but i like the the feeling of it. I like kagomes new powers but
I dont like the person kagome is anymore. The more i read the less i care about her tears.
i know that things will not be the same for any of the people but the least kagome could have done is
see the people she called friends. As im sure they looked for her until hope was lost.
i do hope inuyasha is made into a beter person. It would sad for him to be written to be the same.
i lkie to see how everyone els is doing. Id hope they all could work together to fail this new danger.
So interesting, looking forward to reading more. :)
Nooo! Who is it? Who's there?! Please don't do this to me!!!!!!!!!!! :( Haven't I been a faithful reader/ follower/ reviewer...? Well I do hope that Sesshomaru loses his marbles and has to be restrained when Kagome goes into heat. That's a fitting punishment I think.
This is one interesting fanfic and I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
OOOO I enjoy this story soo much! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the different path you have taken. Truely have made it interesting. With infinite worlds there are infinite possibilities.Yes ! One step closer to the romance between Kags and Sess. He is being more open with her and she obveriously is attracted to him. This new show of power might have him off balance knowing him. I hope he starts seeing Kagome as a partner more than an unforturnate tag along that he is stuck with. Update please!!! <3 well back to studying for finals....
Can't wait to find out more. :)
Wow! The plot has uh, well, thickened doesn't do it justice. I hope they get wrestle again soon, lol!
this has me on the edge in my chair i love it!!`
Interesting twist.... Looking forward to reading the next installment of the story. Also, I like how kagome is now a gryphon demon..... Very interesting in deed.............
Wow what a great chapter! Loved all the details, :)
Just when you thought there was closure, the plot thickens. I fall more in love with this story with each new chapter. Thank you!!!!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.