Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 194) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Ok, as far as love being the same thing, meaning the same thing, to both species that is an easily answered question...if it is asked and Kagome has both Sesshomaru and Yoko at her disposal. Secondly, I find myself really wondering if kagome was in fact stolen like Izayoi. Izayoi was literally taken from her family's compound, her family had no idea where she was or if she was even still alive. Speaking of which, Inupapa said that he took her back to the shiro after about a year of being with his mother. So if that's the case, where was Izayoi if she was not at home? And Kagome, was not stolen from anyone, she was given to Sesshomaru by INuyasha due to Leader's Right. Yes, he did take her with him after he found out about the Inu/Kag mating, but he returned her afterward so he could cause mayham. Sesshomaru may have forced her submission, but he did not use foul means or trickery to get her to come back to the shiro with him. 


Kayelyn (Chapter 193) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Ugh, that damnable pillow book again. I swear that thing is going to cause more trouble than it is worth. I am glad that Kagome has Yoko, not just for all the help she will be in getting Kagome and Sesshomaru to happily ever after, but because these are times when a girl needs her mama...or a best friend. Since she can't have her mother or Sango, it's nice that Yoko has stepped in to fill in that role.

Kayelyn (Chapter 192) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Silly male, that is what a mate does. They bring comfort and peace, even if they are the ones making life difficult. ANd no, Sesshomaru, you can't avoid love. You can try, you can deny and run away, but it will always be there./

Kayelyn (Chapter 191) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Oh poor Sesshomaru having to plan out festivals and parties! I can just imagine his face now! XD

Kayelyn (Chapter 190) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

That is one of the creepiest songs ever released, which is fitting because Creeper!Sesshomaru came out and spent most of the night watching Kagome sleep. :shudders: I hate when people do that. But it is cute that he too fell asleep. I'm thinking that as a youkai that would mean a high level of trust in the person you are with because like Shizuka pointed out, it is a defenseless time.

Kayelyn (Chapter 189) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

At every turn, Sesshomaru has pointed out differences in thought or out loud at how different Kagome and Izayoi are, but I think that he needed her to hear his darkest secret, one of his darkest truths to be sure.

Kayelyn (Chapter 188) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

At least Sesshomaru realizes what he had done, was not the right thing to do. That he knew he was really wanting to hurt his father. Even though Sesshomaru could have let Yoko tell Kagome her suspicions (and that's all they would be since Sesshomaru is the only one who knows the truth), it is way better for her to find out from him than from anyone else. At least from him, Kagome can tell that how he truly feels about doing it, from someone else he would come across as a monster and Kagome would hate him for it.

Kayelyn (Chapter 187) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

OMG, she actually used her brain for a minute! I need a minute to process this information... Ok, but now i am wondering if Sesshomaru is cursing his father for his message, or for having to bother to make that deal with Izayoi in the first place, and the fallout from his choice of lover.

Kayelyn (Chapter 186) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

There were quite a few bombshells that I doubt Kagome is going to pick up on at least for awhile. I doubt she picked up on the " vengence", nor do I think she is going to give much thought to fact that he would have killed anyone else and not have over-ridden the mate bond. Granted he had ulterior motives at the time, but he could have killed her at any time since then to rid himself of her, yet he hasn't. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 185) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

No one touches Kagome's man, even if she doesn't acknowledge him as her man yet. Assert your ownership, girl! Oh, and she will blow a gasket over his other "Ladies". That whole always second best mentality is going to rear its ugly head. So Kagome manipulated the bond again, but I wonder if Sesshomaru has come to realize that even if she can enforce her will, that she would never do so on purpose. It would be like what she is doing now, an invitation. And it's not like Sesshomaru the Emotionally Retarded is really going to push her away and  decline her. Pffft, please. I can't help but wonder at these unpleasant truths that Izayoi was confronted with. And what's more, is that it was not Izayoi's humanity itself that was the problem, it was how she was one of the weaker ones of humanity that was his problem. How she never would have been able to defend herself should she have ever been inclined to do so. A lot of things for Kagome and the readers to think on.

Kayelyn (Chapter 184) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Silly puppy, even though you acknolwedge the admission of your feelings, you are going to do everything you can to deny, deny, deny as long as possible. Demon overlords, like children I tell you. What a silly male, to not notice that these feelings he has are driving him even now. Is it because of the tumult of feelings he is having that is driving him to share himself  with her, to give her the bitter truth of who he is, when so many others could give Kagome the same explanations.

Kayelyn (Chapter 183) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Bahaha! That awkward moment when you realize you have spoken out loud. Teehee, too funny! Only to followed by startling revelations. I wish him th best of luck not falling in love with Kagome. He is so doomed! LOL  I am starting to think you enjoy making these puppies lives difficult. The fact that he did want her, but could never have her due to her humanity it makes a lot of his thoughts and things he said in the beginning so much more clear. And now he really understands what to love is to fear really means. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 182) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

OoOoO! Sesshomaru and his coucil are devious, and I like the way they think. I continue to agree with Sesshomaru about Kagome needing to be held responsible for her own safety. It is one thing, if they jump in before a killing blow, but another entirely to gaurd her from everything. Weakness,  real or perceived, is a death sentence. I think that the idea for kagome to find her own Lady's in Waiting is a brilliant move as well, because he is right. No high born lady is without lady's in waiting, and if they choose to be her willing companions, they will protect her because they want to, not just because they have to which is a major difference. If Sesshomaru just assigned women, word would get out and it would have a nasty backlash. This is where Inupapa's "Don't be like me" lesson really comes out to play. Akihito's idea of having Sessmama come now was really the best idea because if she didn't give Kagome the titles, either by Kagome forcibly taking them or her giving them willingly, none of the island's inhabitants would truly view her as the Lady of the West, which would only spell rebellion and anarchy. Plus it's just another way for Kagome to show her strength and her power if she were to defeat the Lady Mother, who is well known for her strength and visciousness. Not many would want to stand against Kagome after a win such as that.

Kayelyn (Chapter 181) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

I have a feeling that the battle between Inuyasha's two natures is something that is going to take quite some time to figure out and find a compromising balance between the two. And time to really take to heart the lessons that "ghosts" of his past were trying to teach him, a lot of it came too much and too fast, and he still needs time to overcome his biggest obstacle, himself. Though these lessons will help him to do that, as the old saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day".

Kayelyn (Chapter 180) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Even now, Inuyasha the Eternally Stupid still does not get it. That everything that happened did not affect only him. Inuyasha is truly a selfish creature, is he not? Still he does not get the the similarities between he and his father, that one singular choice that they made brought their worlds crashing down around them. Even now, Inuyasha still does not fully inderstand all of what he has lost, and the lives that he has effectively changed forever.

Kayelyn (Chapter 179) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

It seems that Inupapa and Inuyasha have more in common than originally thought. Running headstrong into danger, foolish and proud, at moments cruel and viscious,  and arrogant to a fault. I wonder if INuyasha sees these corralations....Anyhoo onto more dark and nasty truths.

Kayelyn (Chapter 178) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Yes, Sessmama shaped Sesshomaru into who he is today, but how much of it was revenge for Inupapa's treatment of her because this is obviously not the first dalliance he has had. It doesn't make it right, not by a long shot, but I can't helo but wonder. On to the next, hopefully we get to see the fall out from that night.

Kayelyn (Chapter 177) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm I am starting to wonder if all of Sessmama's hate and rage and why she treated Sesshomaru as she did can be laid at Inupapa's feet. Because at this moment, he is at his most cruel, his most sadistic. He truly wishes to harm her, in all ways. I will admit to feeling a small spark of pity for her in this moment. But why is it that he treats her this way? 

Kayelyn (Chapter 176) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

My question is, Inupapa has made refrences to watching over Inuyasha so how doe she not know that Inuyasha has doen everything he can to hide from his demon nature. Or, how he would even know what is considered the norm in demon society because who was there to teach him? Poor Inu, not only does he have to be subjected to his mother's first time with his father, he also gets to see some Sessmama action too. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 175) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

O.O This chapter is now dubbed the "Spurt of Shame" chapter. Bahahaha! Oh Inupapa if your intent was to get Inu the Molested to come to terms with his youkai half, to accept it, to trust in it, you have created a major setback. Not to mention that comment about him needing a woman. While funny, hilarious even, will do nothing but make Inuyasha hate himself even more since he knew that his dad was mocking him but didn''t have the control to not *ahem* burst. Poor puppy.

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