Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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SilentlyFuming (Chapter 62) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

love this chapter, I like seeing Sesshoumaru's thoughts towards Kagome changing

wudelfin (Chapter 63) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

momma goes shippo goes too!

Lillian (Chapter 63) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

Virtual cookies or no, I would still review! I love it. I love it! "My power is the only safety there.." Cue ominous sounds....

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 63) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

oh! this is kinda sweet! big vicious puppy is worried aobut his lady and still an arrogent thing :3 it's kinda lovely like that!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 63) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

Yes, I agree. Onward!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 62) - Mon 20 Jun 2011



oh yEy puppy! I'm so excited about that! other then that though, i'm amazed that he's JUST now noticing her power, after all, she is the container or sheath of the shikon no tama, thusly she must innately and even unconsciously be more powerful then it to house such a power. Why no one ever considers that in fanfiction is beyond me. That is the primary reason i tend to write BAMF kagome, b/c when it all comes down to it, she had to be much more powerful then the jewel to have not be taken over by the jewel. And in thought with the manga's plot-hole craziness, so what if the jewel had sealed her powers since birth, she was still more powerful then it the whole time, just untrained and unaware of that power.

i love this.

more please!


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 62) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

Hopefully, it's VERY soon. Loved the chapter. That Inuyasha...what was he thinking? Then again, he really wasn't. I could understand his pain of losing Kagome to Sesshomaru and being rejected by Tetsusaiga, but even SHE didn't deserve what he said to her. I agree with r0o in that Kikyou's ghost should come back and smack him upside his head for saying what he said to her as well as the ghosts of Inupapa and Izayoi. He so does not think before he opens his mouth. That gets anyone in a lot of trouble. I hope things turn around and if they do, it's going to be a VERY long time. More please.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 61) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

i say that kagome makes a play to be the mate Sess said she would need to be if he ever passed away, if inuyasha hates her so much, EF inuyasha. she shouldnt have to deal with his issues as he's the one that put her in that possition. She wanted to be wife, not mate. he did that. he wants her dead rather then accepting Sesshomaru. He would rather she change everything about herself that he loved just so that she's not with Sesshomaru.

I say have kouga show up, and really EF with him, realize that kagome's taken, and that inuyasha Efd up, and beat him up. I would also have it so that inuyasha realized just how much he gave away, he had the possiblity of her still yet he threw it in her face, even turned tetsaiga away. i kinda want inupapa, izayoi, or kikyo to haunt him. seriously hate him right now!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 60) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

boooooooooooooooooooooooo *really wishes kagome puts the murder on that hanyou*

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 61) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

Ah, Inuyasha, that baka. Oh well, at least Kagome and Sesshomaru have a chance. Now, what to do with Tetsusaiga. More.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 59) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

:\ he's a derp derp! seriously, he started that and NOW he doesnt want her near him, he tried to kill her, EFing idiot. where is fiyah when we need it?

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 58) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

FIYAH!!!! OMFG i LOVES you! Fiyah fiyah fiyah !!!!!

Forfirith (Chapter 61) - Sat 18 Jun 2011


I live in the webs, and sleeps in your closet~ \o\ (Where all the yumminess is~)

Seshou lives in the North Pole shhh ;3


Oh I'm liking this sooo much~ The angst! The drama! The denial! And the reasonable i-don't-know-love Seshou~ <3<3 Teach him Kags~! 



DemonQueen17 (Chapter 60) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Can we say Inuyasha has once put his foot in his mouth? What a baka. More please. And r0o, if you read this, TAG, you're it!

Forfirith (Chapter 58) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

"set his blood alight with purple flame"

lol Best punishment EVER xD


mer plox! -gives coOkie-

Alexandra (Chapter 57) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

Oh noo!!! Poor Inuyasha. I feel bad for him. And poor Kagome. To have your friend attack you like that. The emotions are so confusing and angsty... I LOVE IT!

 <3 Can't wait for the next update!

Forfirith (Chapter 57) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

I turn my back around *cof*sleep*cof* and you post 7 chapters of yummy angstiness drama?! D:! Go girl go!


And I'm so happy you got your thumb healed ^^


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 57) - Fri 17 Jun 2011

*does a dance for Sess* YeY puppy!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 57) - Fri 17 Jun 2011

*sighs* Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, poor Inuyasha. Such a shame. Has Sesshomaru developed a conscience concerning the hanyou? Hmm, I wonder. Serves him right for not finding any satisfaction with what's happened. More.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 56) - Fri 17 Jun 2011

O_O i hate him! i hope she burns his Peen off! or that Sess melts it off! little Efer! >:l

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