Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 134) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Oh Kagome, isn't it nice to let go of that silly human modesty you cling to? I think so. Mwuahahaha! 

Kayelyn (Chapter 133) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Poor Kagome! Bahahaha I can just imagine how embarressed she is going to be he asked her that. But Sesshomaru does have a point. If he can get her to tell him what she wants sexually, get her comfortable with it, the easier it will be to get her to talk to him about everything else.

Kayelyn (Chapter 132) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

*fans herself off* Sesshomaru quite enjoyed that didn't he? I was kinda wondering the whole time if he chose this act because he had never had it done before, because fangs near peen and dangly bits does not inspire lust. I totally LOL'ed at him almost pulling away from her because he forgot she didn't have fangs, like he didn't want her to uhhh service him just for that reason. Silly demon overlord. On to more smut!

Kayelyn (Chapter 131) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

D'aaaawwwww Concerned!Sesshomaru. There are quite a few Sesshomarus running around. What a naughty Sesshomaru stealing kisses. o.o See?! There's another one. On to the smut!

Kayelyn (Chapter 130) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Oooo Proud!Sesshomaru, but it's so amusing that he doesn't understand the how of what she has done. And he is starting to think of her in terms of being a good Lady for him.  When you really stop to think about it Kagome really is the perfect foil for Sesshomaru. Where he is arrogant, haughty, intense, iron-handed; Kagome is unassuming, friendly, mild, and fair. Light and dark, yin and yang. Then we get Lusty!Sesshomaru coming out to play. :evil grin: On to the smut! 

Kayelyn (Chapter 129) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

YAY a mini BAMF!Kagome, that has finally figured out what Sesshomaru meant by making her own place her. And though there are a few similarities between Izayoi and Kagome, at least Kagome has the sense of mind to choose not to live her life that way. Go, girl, go. See, S’homaru, you had nothing to worry about. Now, stop hiding behind doors and find out what you witch of a mother wants.

Kayelyn (Chapter 128) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Hmmmm....yes, I am finding something very off about the Lower House now, especially since it is not deemed appropriate. Even though Sessmama ruined the evening, there was a cute little moment of fluff in Sesshomaru remembering some off hand comment he made and following through. Just one more thing for Kagome to think on. He obviously goes through with what he said off hand or not, proving that maybe she can trust him with more than just her physical safety and pleasure of course. I also just noticed that all of the places on the island have very ceremonial names. I am have waiting for a Room of requirement to pop up. LOL

Kayelyn (Chapter 127) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

And in this fight, another lesson from the Inupapa. A lesson in control, something Inuyasha lacked before. Woo-hoo for relaxation methods and lessons. I think Inupapa has a major point in wanting to get Inuyasha to air his grievances with him. If Inuyasha wants to walk the path of forgiveness like he is acting, he needs to go with full understanding and no animosity whatsoever.

Kayelyn (Chapter 126) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Hn, yes. More a like then you realized, huh, Inuyasha? I wonder if somewhere down the line Sesshomaru will have the same revelations. Anyhoo, back to Inu the Enlightened. Now that he knows the truth, now that he truly sees, there is no going back and the hatred as to be let go just as he is letting go of Kagome, slowly but surely. On another note, I think that Inuyasha deserves this fight with Naraku, not only for stress relief but to prove to himself that even though he no longer holds the power of his father's fang that he is still powerful enough to defeat his hated enemy. Give him what for, Inuyasha!

Kayelyn (Chapter 125) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Hmmm yes. Permanently lost is quite accurate because even if Inuyasha managed to win over Kagome once more, he would never be able to take her from Sesshomaru. I think he now realizes that though forgiveness may be sought, there is no hope for anything else. And while it is sad, this was brought upon him by himself. No one else can take any blame. But while there is sadness, there is a spark of similarity between Inu and S’homaru with their "shameful" secret of being truly afraid of themselves. ANd I think that for Inu this is a startling revelation, and if he shares something this monumental with his brother, he may start to look for other similarities along the way.

Kayelyn (Chapter 124) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Go, Sesshomaru, go! Inuyasha really did need to face the truth, that there would never come a time when he would be able to best his brother in a fight. This memory is from before he was ever born, and if youkai only grow in power? The limitations of his power are literally limitless if that is the case. And though this knowledge is a blow to his pride, Inuyasha needs to become more wary of his brother and understand that if Sesshomaru truly wanted him dead, there is no way in hell he wouldn't be. More food for thought for Inu the Learning

Kayelyn (Chapter 123) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Oh he gets it! He finally gets it! Inupapa died for Inuyasha and his mother, but he couldn't be bothered to come home once reports reached him of what was happening at the shiro in his absence. And I think that Inuyasha is starting to realize that just has he had be envious of his brother, Sesshomaru was envious of him (though hidden under many layers of rage). It's sad really, and I think Inuyasha is finally getting the fact that Sesshomaru had no choice but to grow up into who he is now. There was never anyone who truly cared enough to teach him a different way, except Yuugao, and she died at his hand, which probably solidified the "I should care about nothing" stance he has to life.

Kayelyn (Chapter 122) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Oh! A setback a lot minor than I had imagined and...enlightenment? I have a feeling that everything he thinks that he knows about his father, is about to be torn to shreds. He has this hero worship of this male he has never really met, but built up in his head. As I have said, truth is a harsh mistress. I have a feeling he is about to find out just how harsh she really is.

Kayelyn (Chapter 121) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

WOO_HOO! Half way through! :dances:

Though Naraku is the one person on this Earth or Abyss (whichever) that Inuyasha would defend Sesshomaru to, I have a feeling that his idiotic self is going to be all "waaaaah, but you had a father and chose not to be around him. I never had the choice." He is not going to remember all that his mother showed him, what he was able to infer for himself. Major setback, but he has got to see, to know.


Kayelyn (Chapter 120) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Mwuahahahaha! Oh Naraku, the one person that Inuyasha hates just as much if not more than Sesshomaru. And what is funny, is that Kagome in that one moment feared Inuyasha more than she had ever feared Naraku. But Inu the Eternally Stupid has decided to live and fight for a chance at forgiveness, at least this means he will take these lesson seriously...or as seriously as he can.

Kayelyn (Chapter 119) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Sesshomaru got to kill to birds with one stone. One, he allayed Kagome's fear about suffering violence from him. And two, he got his chance to tell all eavesdroppers that to strike out at his mate, is to stike out at him. Though there will probably be a few stupid enough to try, I think that the majority will just think their nasty thoughts and leave her alone. Hopefully. Uh-oh! It seems it is now time for the return of the prodigal witch that is Sessmama. Dooooom.

Kayelyn (Chapter 118) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Yay Yoko likes her! I bet this is going to be a big relief to Kagome, knowing that there is at least one person who accepts her in this place. I can see my self really liking Yoko. I think she will also be a big help in bringing Kagome and Sesshomaru together, plus she just has this mischievious-ness to her that draws you in. I wonder what Yoko believes needs to be set right.

Kayelyn (Chapter 117) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

I wonder why he was so interested in how the kids got to dinner. Was it because Shippo brought them, or to make sure Rin didn't venture where she shouldn't? Anyway, it feels like Sesshomaru is starting to relax a bit now seeing that Kagome made a good impression on Shizuka.

Kayelyn (Chapter 116) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Whether he wanted to be or not, I think Kagome just found an ally in Shizuka. Not just because of the blending and accepting of her's and Sesshomaru's powers, not because her power dims his own, but because Shizuka can see a subtle difference in his lord, a new warmth. He has already talked about how Sesshomaru needed someone to care about and to care for him in return. I bet he is just as interested to see how they will be together, almost as much as I am to hear the explanation on the power melding. I LOL'ed at Shizuka's reaction to Shippo's promise of not telling Kagome that he is fishing for information, because I bet Rawr!Kagome would come out on that one. And Shippo seems to have more cunning than most people attribute to him, maybe it's his innate nature as a Kitsune, but I think it has a lot to do with the way that he observes people to. Smart baby!

Kayelyn (Chapter 115) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Oh Shizuka, I think you are going to be just as perplexed and confused as Sesshomaru is when it comes to Kagome. I have a feeling this dinner is going to bring some realizations to the table. I wonder why it is that he is so confused by her though, Yoko adopts humans and this is just the reversal of that. 

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