goodbye, pretty golden eyes that once belonged t Sesshoumaru. you are going to be jacked out of your sockets.
::pokes saffie:: can i keep 'em when they're out, btw? pweese? ::begs::
and HOWZAH. I'm glad you made a point of telling how angry kagome was about the forced pregnancy. I'm one of those people who believe that it's a woman's choice to make. Not saying that a woman has the right to trap a guy into marriage with a baby..but the same goes for a man, whether they're married or wanna get married or whatever. Getting a woman pregnant by trickery, KNOWING she'll have to keep it later (because I can't see kagome aborting the kid - it's the child of the man she's loved for years after all), well to me it's just one step down from rape. You've taken a woman's control over her own body away from her, and that's something that comes right under abuse, for me. It's not just the's her WHOLE LIFE! Once a woman has a child...her entire life changes drastically. And to take that choice away from her is's heinous on many different levels.
Sorry if this sounds liek a rant, but it really ticks me off how many writers - both in original romantic fiction and fanfiction - use this device to bind a couple togetehr. With the sess kag pairing, it's particularly rampant. Knowing sess, i believe he'd do something like it...he wouldnt consider the implications, but if he DID know what the implications were, if he could think beyond the "she's mine and now she cant leave me" thing...he'd see why it's wrong. Besides, he doesn't get to decide if she stays or not...she's not an object, even if he is a dog. On the whole I prefer not to see it as it sort of spoils the story for me...the outrage I feel is too much. It makes me uncomfortable that you used this device too...but I'm glad that unlike the vast majority of authors out there who never consider the implications of how THEY would feel if they had a pregnancy thrust upon them and just do it to their heroines regardless like its some bastion of romance (BAH!)...I'm glad you took the time and effort (even in such a short fic) to show that it's wrong, why it's wrong, and that it won't happen again.
sneaky little twerp. at least have the grace to pop the question before you pop the miko!
**** the...eyes out? in a tree?
makes me wonder what OTHER fantasies she had....taken literally, of course.
i like it..why should it always be the woman yelling the guy's name? turn the tables, kagome! ::cheers::
awww....poor girl. years of sexual tension can't be a....
or wait. i think sess'd say it's a VERY good thing!
o.o know, that's a whole new plunnie right there! with the sitting-yuasha-cuz-she-likes-it thing....
0o0o0o0o0o LOVES! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Happy!
..what an image....
one question - WHERE did kagome turn into machine? O.O
hilarious, and strangely intimate. like they're an old married couple...
O_O wow =x raRr! more please
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *is happy!*
>_> thats one way to get your woman!
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