I am so proud of you! My reasons, on the other hand are no where near as forgiving as yours. I pray you enthusiasm is a sign that your on the mend a bit.
Kay so first I feel I should relay this weird deja vu I was getting while reading about Akins story about his parents. I know, like I know that you didn't already write it because I just reread the entire story like I mentioned in my last review, but for some reason.... awe forget it. :3
Another thought where the two cats killed by a dark priestess or a normal one? Because I thought I recalled Goshin say so before when he was trying to convince Tara not to attack Kagome with out proof of Naraku's claims. I say this because even thought they illude to her village sacraficing there own, Tara is now trying to come up with a better reason for her killing them, like a dark pristess would need one, or a normal one for that matter. Urr I think I might have answered my own question... any way in relations to that bit of random I have a theory. The other village and this "Chuttl'u" may have sent the dark priestess after them because she broke off the mateing. Also someone must have wanted her dead to send an assassin in the first place, maybe even a jealous relative. She wasn't popular in her family so there is a good chance that their death had very little to do with a Miko of any kind.
Still curious as to what inspired the Oc's in your story, but I suppose you don't have to tell me. Good luck on the continueing of your story.
Nyuka (Chapter 75) - Sat 19 Aug 2017
So glad you are still updating this story. It has been some time that I sat down to read upon story chappters I had missed, I actually went back and reread it all. Still so good I tell you. Its good to see Kagome with Sesshomaru finaly but it is discerning that Naraku still about. Though I feel bad for him too, just another plaything of the fates, if only he could have looked beyond his own happiness they might have turned out differently for everyone.
I feel that you have pulled some of your characters from actual fairytale lore from oher countries. If this is true I would love to look into the stories. The snake and the two cats of example... parden the names slip my mind for their foreigness.
Anyways thanks for sticken to it its inspiring really. :3
Excellent as always.
Kanda (Chapter 74) - Thu 17 Aug 2017
inuyasha was hilarious. i kept picturing him as this little kid surrounded by other kids and he just spouting off all these questions to his dad who has a kid on his knee. all the kids getting annoyed at him and thinking, 'shut up!' XD the info was a little confusing but i think i got the gist of it? either way, glad that you updated and again, very happy that you decided to continue this story. oh! and thanks fer the lemon! XD
Just some constructive criticism here, a dish used for food such as soup is called a "bowl". "Bowel" with an 'e' refers to a human organ used in the process of defication : ex a bowel movement.
I don't normally crit, but bowels and eating shouldn't be in the same sentence together ????????????????
Absolutely AMAZING update! Can't wait for more!
DevaG (Chapter 74) - Tue 15 Aug 2017
So... you're just slapping me in the face with this update like this. I can't even be mad at you. I was shocked and truely excited to see this update. yay!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter and by the way * looks around to make sure no one hears* **whispers** The lemon * coughs* made some bomb lemonade hahahahhaa.... take that Sess. oh boy is it hot in here.
DevaG (Chapter 73) - Sun 13 Aug 2017
So....I am completely drawn in and I can't get this story out of my head. I need an update pronto; it's that good!. And that lemony goodness in chapter 70 (Fans self - "Oh bubby") I need for you to create my OOC and insert me in that chapter. Uh!!!Too much? okay.. sorry.
But Im literally going through withdrawals. I love how you are making Kagome so strong and powerful!
Amazing updates! Oh no - Kags is still going to die in a few months?! I can't wait to read more - you're amazing!
Kanda (Chapter 73) - Sun 13 Aug 2017
yep. anxious asf every time i read kagome is gonna die. yeh, girl, we both see yer future self but bruh, that's scary. why is naraku such an aaassss? D; either way, my love fer this story will never die! keep the updates coming! yer number one fan awaits! no backgroubd music this time, sadly. ;0
OnIkeM (Chapter 72) - Wed 09 Aug 2017
I've been following this story from the very beginning. Your style is amazing, everything is amazing!! keep it up!!
Kanda (Chapter 72) - Wed 09 Aug 2017
another chapter well done! the song "can you feel the love tonight" was playing my head near the end of tara and goshin's "playtime," lmfao. considering sess' and kagome's alone time, too, that is so appropriate. XD thank goodness sango' kids are alive. also, if you see typos in this review, my phone has a tendency to correct words even when correct, so i apologize fer that. ???? anyway, can't wait fer another update! i love reading yer story! <3
Kanda (Chapter 71) - Mon 07 Aug 2017
so i was literally thinking of this story the other day and was contemplating if i should reread it because it was just so good and i wanted to relive the experiences even with all the drama and then i come and see that this was updated. i kinda screamed, hehe. another chapter well done! kagome is so cute when she's happy! >.< i hope sangi'd babies survive, though, i can't imagine them being so sad at losing both, or one, because i keep seeing them happy. cant wait fer the next chapter! you literally made my day wen i saw this updated. :'D
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