I hope you return to writing this story. It's so good.
Another Chapter please this is really good
please continue this story it is amazing
Great story, keep it coming.
Glad Inuyasha and Sango are getting it. I like what you did with the swords.
I'm not usually a fan of Sango-betrayal stories but at least Miroku and Shippou aren't in on it too. Their turning on Kagome is much harder to believe.
If a sentient sword must be 'activated' and given by a miko how is Sesshomaru's Tensaiga explained?
So Inuyasha's going to turn human? Can't say I feel too bad for him with the picture you've painted of him. And now he's even turning on his co-conspirtor/lover too. :rolls eyes: Absolutly no honor there, is there?
I wonder if when Miroku and Shippou meet up with Kagome if she'll give the sword to Sesshomaru. It's a possibility... but I can also see her giving it back to Inuyasha on the basis of it keeping his demon-blood in check. Though her being the sentient Tetsusaiga's master it will probably speak to her first before such an opportunity arises and indicate its displeasure of going back to Inuyasha ro some other explanation. I look forward to that. ^_^
Thanks for writing!
OHHHHGOSHHH! When i read this, i was amazed by the swords twist I never! seen anything like it. AMAZING! Cant w!ait to hear more.
Sango's such an IDIOT in this one. And Inuyasha's a BIGGER IDIOT for going along with her not-so-bright ideas. Serves them right, those do-do's. At this rate, Kagome will most likely give Sesshomaru permission to wield Tetsusaiga. Hopefully, he'll find the doomed couple after they encounter Shippo and Miroku and shove Tetsusaiga straight up Inuyasha's and Sango's butts for good measure. Serves them both right. I so do not like them in this fic. Can't wait to see what havoc Kaze might wreak upon Japan.
DAMN! Sucks to be Inuyasha and Sango right now. He can't protect anyone now that he's permanently becoming human slowly but surely. That's what they get though.
i liked this update a lot of good info here! i really cant wait for more bad stuff to befall sango/inuyasha, they realy earned it in this fic!
I absolutely positively love your story. Please update soon. I love your tone and style. The character depth is good. The plot is amazing. I simply can't wait for another chapter.
You have a really good story going on the flow is great easy to follow and well writen keep it up i cant wait to see the next chapter.
I just read the latest chapter 'lost & found'. I'm happy that Inuyasha & Sango are suffering & Inu is thinking of how much better off he'd be if Kagome was there & then I was even happier at the conviction in the anger Kagome held for him & the desire for revenge she holds towards him,his life & Sango. I was happy to hear he's turninig human & suffering with painful injuries after the way they abandoned Kagome. I loved the reaction Sessh had to Kagome,her pain & what Inu did to her. I love Sessh & Kagome together as a couple.
I enjoyed the chapter as it was rather long,interesting & confusing. What an evil being of a writer you are to leave us with such a bizarre cliffhanger. Now I'm in a panic for the next chapter to come as soon as possible. I really hope that Sessh is not being purified or changed into a human as that would be a nightmare with what it appears she's going to have to fight & it would seem she will need him in peak fighting form. I also can't help wondering why the monk & Shippo are having such a hard time finding Kagome with the help of the sword.
I really love this story & I hope & pray you will update sooner than later as the ending we were left in this last chapter was a terrifyiing cliffhanger.
I look forward to the next chapter eagerly.
I just reread this story from the very beginning & it is truly great. I have so many questions it kills me. If Inu & Sango completed the Jewel & tainted it,as I imagine they are both doomed souls at this point. To do what they did with such hatred & animosity while lying to everyone & using their friends,Inu would still be pinned to a tree with Kikyo's arrow. That was exciting how Kikyo had this crazy past of love & loss but as a hater of Kikyo I'm glad she's gone & Kagome has her entire soul back.
This is FF & what I love about FF is that you can use these characters & as the author of the FF story, you are the master of everyones destinys in the story. The original story has nothing to do with this story,unless you deem it so. I already can't wait to see where you'll be taking us. I'm dying to know who & what this lady is & what her connection to Kagome is, as it seems she's been watching over her for much of Kagome's life although she(the Lady) doesn't appear human it gives me hope that Kagome may be more than human.I love the idea of Kagome being more than human as I like to see her as strong,powerful & beautiful, as it makes the fact that those who've harmed her & used her in the past were doing so because they saw a powerless little girl,lost in an era she didn't belong,so they took advantage of her & the fact that the 2 who claimed to care the most for her turned on her so brutally.....it would be poetic justice.
I must say the 2 things I wonder the most are:
1) Where is the Jewel now if it just dissappeared??? or did it return to within Kagome ???
2) In this story did the 'Sword of Protection',the sword that can kill 100 or so in one swipe,the fang of his father that some say was made to protect the Lady of the Western Lands & neither son could pull it out & remove it from it's resting place.Only Kagome was able to pull it & when he life was threatened, she gave it to Inuyasha & it was just a rusty old sword until Inuyasha vowed to protect Kagome & then it suddenly transformed-to protect. Now my question was that I know this story has nothing to do with the original but I know the sword being made from Inu's & Sessh's powerful Dad's fang had the ability to overpower Inuyasha's demon blood so as long as he had it on him his youkai blood couldn't overwhelm his human half. I don't know if you're keeping that in the story & now that Inu can't touch the sword,as he broke his vow to the sword's mistress,will Inu start to lose control of himself???
I guess we'll have to wait & see but you'd mentioned in your A.N. to ask any questions if we wanted so I took a chance & asked. I hope it was in no way offensive as I love this story & can not wait to see what happens next. I'll be following this story closely & I'm getting ready to read the new chapter you updated.
This is amazing!!
WHAT KIND OF..................
*screams in frustration*
;-; SO CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG MORE! you cannot leave it there! I respect your life and that your busy but i'm gunna go c0okie-ape-wiggle-tastic!!!!!!
I would usually root for Inuyasha and Sango in some stories, however this is not one of those stories. All of this was SANGO'S idea? I guess Inuyasha turning human and having Tetsusaiga taken from him is just the start of his punishment. I seriously think that Inuyasha should be castrated and Sango made barren for what they've done. Despite the fact that Naraku slaughtered Sango's village and enslaved Kohaku, he was the key to defeating this Kaze. Those two are in for a world of hurt. If anything, they should be granted immortality and in turn, they should spent eternity as outcasts. Death is too good and easy for them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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