-grins- Chocolate~ Baygon~ Whoo! I gets to tackle you now! WOnderful chappie, and I loved the Yasha part of it!
Right. So first of all, let me start out by saying that you have no where near as many reviews as you should have. This story is such a refreshing take on Sesshomaru and his life that I'm honestly shocked that it isn't more popular than it is.
The way you write is wonderful, with just the right amount of sarcasm to personify Sesshomaru and just the right amount of curiosity to bring Minoru to life. (By the way, Minoru is hilariously funny in the way that he deals with Sesshomaru.) Your descriptions are great, even for a collection of drabble-ish chapters, and the characterization is awesome.
I'll be adding this to my favorite stories list, and I'll most likely be recommending it to more people, so they can read the excellence that is your story.
Magnificent job, and happy writing!
Aww common Sessh, she's hurt! 'Help her and NOT kill he' is what you should be thinking!
Congrats on the 50th chapter!
Well, maybe if he just get over himself for a little while, jeez, bitter much, Sessho?! But i'm really enjoying the ride so far and looking forward to more.
wow! Someone is angry O_O
I never thought of doubts increasing polulation in such manner LOL This is one of those images that is going to make me giggle at random times throughout the day.
Aw... apprehensive Sesshomaru is Too Cute! ^_^
Thanks for writing!
Lol. Of course. XDD I love you.
I make it short: More!!!!!!!!!! :D I like this...
Calypso (Chapter 1) - Tue 09 Aug 2011
o0o0o0o Petty! Tsk tsk. Western lords should have a little more control. Totosai wouldn't be hard to find if you weren't so terrifying.
You are NOT leaving me hanging here! NO! I want the next installment, Naq! NOW, Naq! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!
Thanks so much, Naq. Now I need to soak my brain in brainbleach cuz I can't get the picture of a nekkid Jaken out of it.
muahahahaaaa!! "brat" giggle giggle muahahahahaaaaa
LOL This is just the best!
I bet Sess hacking away at the flora will be the talk of the house for a while ^^
Okay, this one squeezes a review out of me... I need MORE and I need it NOW!!!!!
I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!
Such useful sword! Drive it through someone, vent anger but not do any damage.
Haha loving his excuses for not maiming Minoru ^^
Update, now, woman, since you've gone and gotten me curious.
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