I really like the twist you put in this story so far.
Was wondering if you were going to update it?
You saucy little minx! That brief encounter with the professor was just so intense! Miroku is a hoot in this. I bet we are in store for a few more hillariously nonsensical one-liners from him in the future. BTW I love that you emphasized that Kagome bested a much LARGER and STRONGER man. I think it shows her as extra fiesty, and deffinately not some weak-pushover. It was still believable though, because she didn't go all superhero on him. I can't wait to read what else you've got cookin' up on this.
Well, before I leave my review, I would first like to give you my condolences, and say that I hope you take however much time you need to grieve. That being said, here's my review. Love your story, and am absolutely jealous of your talent and devotion as a writer. It's funny, but after the chapter with the thief in the elevator, I had a random thought float through my mind, "Thief would also do well to be named Ih-nu-ya-sha." The story reminded me of a sorta twisted version of Inuyasha and Kikyo, except there's not really anybody messing them up, Kikyo's just kinda morphed into a crazy homicidal lady. You've done a perfect job of the kinda but not really love triangle going on, putting just enough into the Thief bit to make us feel a tad sorry for him (or at least I do), but not enough that I'm wondering if Kagome is going to do something stupid. Your chapter about her grandfather's death moved me to tears, and your scenes with real and thief Sesshoumaru, well, are cold shower and warm heart inducing. Once again, my condolences. Tara-san.
I'm sorry about your friend's loss, I can't pretend to sympathise with something so devastating, it's hard to imagine. I'm sure all your readers support you and appreciate all your wonderful work up until now. Good luck and be strong.
And so sorry to hear about your situation. You know we'll patiently wait for more and we're all thinking about you.
How do you manage to have such a steamy scene without any smut? The interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru was so brief, but sooooooo good. Love Miroku's reaction, by the way. Can't wait for more!
oh my god Freya..I'm so sorry about your friend and her sister T ^ T
But as always your writing is great =] Take your time, cuz I'll be here waiting
Oh no, thats so sad about your friend's sister.... :(
The chapter was short and sweet though.... xoxo
Holy fuck-nuts on a barrel BATMAN! lol
So sorry about your loss dear! :( love you and your story as usual! <3
I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible situation :( Hugs to you and yours. I love this story immensely and look forward to whenever you're up for writing and posting again.
Oh my GOD. Lyka is a NASTY and MEAN little thing. I wonder how Nah Rah Ku will react when he realizes the danger he's put Kagome in, just by taking her offerings. I wonder if he'll be protective or JUST possessive. And how will he feel about the fact that Lyka tried to rape her? I guess his responces will deffinately be very telling about his personality, and his feelings for Kagome, as its been deliciously ambiguous until this point.
I'm looking forward to seeing them all fumbling around with Kouga's body (mmm.... Kouga's body..... *shakes head to clear it* okay, I'm back) And I wonder how Miroku will react to finally hearing the news of whats really been going on.
BTW I LOVED the bit about the professor not letting them use the internet. I had a professor who did the EXACT same thing. Cruel and unusual punishment I tell you! And seriously how can you be expected to do your absolute best and most thorough research if you don't use ALL the resources available to you?! Technology has advanced us so that we can find MORE, find it FASTER, and if we are smart about where we take our information, find more ACCURATE information. Then on the other hand I suppose it was his way of forcing us not to forget HOW to use a paper library.... i say paper because those digital libraries have gotten popular in recent years... I hate those... I much prefer BOOKS in my library than a database. >.<
Can't WAIT to meet Myoga again... wonder was imparting words of wisdom he'll have for Kagome THIS time. ;)
Yay for updates! Great way to include Kouga in the story. I hope he doesn't end up gettting hurt too much! :)
Ooooooooh poor Kouga, thank god Kagome had her wits about her though.
'Giggle' as confused as Miroku is going to be, its not going to hold a candle to Kouga's confused state of mind when he wakes up from all this!
But really I'm looking forward to Miroku's actions, after all, Na Rah Ku sounds like the kind of deity he could really dig ;)
Poor Na-Ra-Kuh, all confused by his jealously and poor kags, trying to force herself to remain detached. I think it's harder than ppl think especially for girls, when sex or intercourse is involved. I love your writing so much. I missed it so much when I had no web access. Glad to be back. Love it.
I was waiting for Lyka to take over someone! Didn't think it would be Kouga, was thinking Sango or Miroku. Hope Kouga doesn't remember it all when he wakes up even if he will wonder who dealt him such damage :)
Still not sure what my opinion of Lyka is. I want her to be gone and yet she definatly adds something to the plot. I love to hate her ^^
She's going to leave him with brain damage, poor Kouga, it's not his fault a total bitch possessed him. That was a really nasty plan of hers, she shouldn't be all jealous because Kagome can keep her legs closed and she opened 'em for every tom, dick, and harry in the jungle. Oh well, let's hope either Myouga or the Thief clean him up of her evil presence. This will certainly keep her from repossessing a male body again.
Ohhh... Ouuuchhhh. Despite how utterly amusing that was... poor Kouga! Hahaha.
I'm really glad I've finally been able to leave you a review because even though I faithfully read every chapter, I always read it on my cell phone since I'm out so much. It's so difficult to write a review on a phone so I haven't been doing it and I apologize. I just wanted to let you know how much your story rocks and how I look forward to each and every update. You do such an amazing job with all your stories and each chapter is so well written. You are one of my favorite authors on here and I appreciate that you share your talent with us fellow Dokugans... especially me!
I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings. =)
OMG haha for some reason this made me giggle.... including Kouga getting the groin shot.... though it would be entertaining if Sesshomaru came into that storage room to see Kagome and a tied up Kouga... :D
I'm starting to enjoy Na Ra Ku's place in this story... in the beginning I merely thought that he was a good plot device but now I am enjoying him more as a character... While he doesn't show that much emotion the little that he does let leak through kinda makes me enjoy his.... personality you can say? Anyway I thought this was a good chapter and can't wait for the next one :3
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