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sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 38) - Tue 21 Dec 2010



*is happy!*

*giggles even*!!!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 38) - Tue 21 Dec 2010

GAAAH more complications...  X(  I hope their mother isn't around...

update again soon PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GreyEcho (Chapter 37) - Sun 19 Dec 2010

Were those kids? really curious about the next chapter.


Oha nd I really liked the exchange in the previous chapter. Nice job!

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 37) - Sat 18 Dec 2010

*Eye Twitches* I want to know what happens! Who is it?!

Update dang you! *prods*

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 21) - Sat 18 Dec 2010

Oh gosh. I just had horrible flashbacks to my childhood with that song.

*Head Desks* i'd managed to keep it out of my head for '6' years and now its back! *wails*

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 16) - Sat 18 Dec 2010


I love this Ree. Too funny.

Lavender (Chapter 37) - Sat 18 Dec 2010

Deifinitely a "Dun, Dun, Dun." moment! awesome cliffy, and the little "yap" (i don't know why) made me laugh. I really hope its like Saitou's fluffy friends. I love this! Keep it up!


Autumn (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

I wonder who Kagome's cuddle buddies are? Update soon!

Loveyaa (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

I like how you keep things interesting. You have a lot of didn't see that coming moments. I can't wait to see where this one is going to take us :)

randomfan17 (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

Surrounded by what? And why do i get the feeling this is Inupapa's fault? Can't wait till you update!

martha (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

thanks for update i can't wait till see what gonna happen next.

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

Uh oh, late night cuddle monster...who could it be?!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 37) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

0o0o0o0o LOVES!

Seijaku (Chapter 5) - Thu 16 Dec 2010

Ah, Taisho-sama. Of course. xD I personally thought that perhaps she had developed her own 'beast.'


Maybe I have just read too many fanfictions where Sesshomaru's more animalistic side had some sort of mental stability... a.k.a. his beast being another - for lack of a better word - personality, in his head. Gah, poor Sesshy. The poor man has been portrayed as insane far more than he deserves. xD


Great job, btw! I am loving this.

randomfan17 (Chapter 36) - Thu 16 Dec 2010

I think it would confuse him why she's happy when she really shouldn't be so cheerful. I think it's admirable and now that you have no more cushion just find the time and write some more. I loved this chapter, it was sadly sweet.

Autumn (Chapter 36) - Wed 15 Dec 2010

Aw, poor Kagome

Alexandra (Chapter 36) - Wed 15 Dec 2010

great story so far!! simply perfect!! can't wait for more and i hope that these two will get together somewhat...

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 36) - Wed 15 Dec 2010


Oh mah goodness... he's KILLING HER?! Well that just sucks. I asume you have plans to sort that little mess out, but I'm very curious as to how you intend to do it. It simply would not do to have her die... beacuse... well, BECAUSE! That's why.

Ahem, aside from my slight panic at this little obstacle, I am very much enjoying the story. Wonderful flow and all that jazz. Nicely put together, and I commend you for your writing prowess.

Much love; can't wait for more!

Your loyal reader and fellow Dokugian,


KyonKyon01 (Chapter 36) - Wed 15 Dec 2010

Uh oh, better get to work, missy!  Nice chapter.  Sesshoumaru gained some insight to Kags inner workings.  The fact that it he sees more of who she it and it baffles him and yet causes him to gain repsect for her was very nice ^_^  keep up the good work!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 36) - Wed 15 Dec 2010

mou *is still sad*

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