I don't want to take anything away from you, you're writing is superb as usual and things are flowing quite nicely. However, I am now questioning you sanity...or maybe my own. How in the world could repeated lemony goodness with Sesshy be wrong. I understand if you were tired or anything else along those lines, everyone gets that way, but please do not think that anything would ever be taken away from the story by extra citrus. Especially the way you write it. All previous comments aside, I love this story. I'm glad you're not going into the dominant/submissive stuff. I much prefer your style of give and take. Keep up the good work. I look forward to another chapter.
Sala - nli (Chapter 6) - Tue 14 Dec 2010
While I always enjoy seeing new chapters added to this fic, I was a bit disappointed and distracted by the numerous spelling, grammatical and word-choice errors. Perhaps an edit and repost are in order?
I love your story. All I have to say is BOY is Sesshoumaru a Jack@**. Poor Kagome she couldn't help it. I have one question too. If Sesshoumaru and Kagome get together is Sesshoumaru going to give up his orgy?
hugs and puppies
Great read! Something to read slowly and let it soak in, haha. I'll be watching for your next update :)
Anemone Dust (Chapter 5) - Mon 22 Nov 2010
MORE. ASAP. Please...this is so very goooooooooood!
Evil cliffy indeed!!! OMG that was awesome. The best smut I read in days since I open an account with Dokuga. *sniffs* To be able to read such a beautiful smutty plotful masterpiece brings a tear to thine eyes *sniffs* MORE MORE MORE!!!
That was a super evil cliffy!!!! I want to read the lemon! XD Please update soon!
thank GOD you arn't writing Kagome as some sexually repressed niave female!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I appreciate her INNOCENCE and INEXPERIENCE, as thats just Kagome (until Sesshy gets ahold of her anyways lol) But the idea of her being this entirely sheepish and submissive female durring sexual encounters when she's a girl from freakin 500 years in the future, just irritates the snot out of me sometimes. Its TOO over done. This story is so refreshing. You keep her in character, but she's still a future girl who once in the thick of it (i.e. chapter 4) takes her pleasure and ACTIVELY seeks to return it. She isn't all jumping his bones or anything, and she has her moral delema as well as her reservations from lack of experience, but she isn't this blushing timid creature either. THANK YOU!!!!!! Gah! I could kiss for that! Wondering if this will be a romance or stricktly physical connection between the two. can't wait to learn more about the blood moon. So if she's innitiated into this circle then technically the next blood moon if she goes to the circle then what? She gets her pick of guys to spend it with/any guy can pick her to spend it with? Info I hope to learn as the story progresses. and one point i was confused on, that hopefully if you have time you'll let me know: was sesshomaru inviting her to the blood moon circle? it seemed like he was intentionally leading her there, but i'm confused on that point.
Sesshyskoi (Chapter 5) - Thu 11 Nov 2010
*speechless for about an hour* umm First thing I have to say is WOW what a terrible waayyy to end this chapter ...stupid cliff hangers. You are doing an excellant job in writing this fic. The description and plot of this story is perfectly clear, I can imagine everything. The lemony parts of this story is a reallly gooooood. I can't wait for the next chapter!!! I hope they get it ON! Lmao *perverted smile* this is GREAT!
Has anyone ever told you that your writing fills their head with the most delicious sinful images... it certainly does that for me. I love it, so whatever you are doing, will you do it more and more often, lol. Keep up the wonderful work.
Lisa (Chapter 5) - Thu 11 Nov 2010
ooh plz update more~!! so good,,,thrilling...
Ah, this was a great chapter! Acceptable? O_O
favi (Chapter 3) - Sat 30 Oct 2010
LOVE YOU SO MUCH (Chapter 3) - Sat 30 Oct 2010
oooooooooooooh, what have we here???? Sesshy's sexy smirk... ooooooohhhhh! :)P
sesshyskoi (Chapter 3) - Thu 28 Oct 2010
FUCK WORST CLIFF HANGER EVER!!! OMG i'm soo mad at you. This was getting very very very very very very very very very very very GOOD!! Okay now that i got that frustration taken care of. Omg my sexy ass sesshomaru in an ORGY! MAN I WISH I WAS THERE!!!! I would do sooo many things to that wonderful demon :D Anyways about kagome. That lil freak. Lol masturbating to sesshomaru fucking. I hear that! lol And he's joining Inuyasha's group with a BIG SMILE! The next chapter is going to be GOOOD! This is a very INTERESTING story keep up the goood work. I can't wait until you update the next chapter!
Megan007 (Chapter 3) - Thu 28 Oct 2010
Holy Crap sikles, I was wondering about this story, I remember reading it, and wanting to know why you were going to updat, I am so happy that you have, I can't wait to read more, I hope you update again, please do!!!.
Lovely story! Interesting plot, which I dont think had been done before! I can't wait to see where this goes. I'm curious as to why Sesshomaru is toying with Kagome, and why he led her to that blood moon gathering. My only piece of CC is that the way you have Inuyasha talking, isn't how he actually talks. Its find to have your own artistic variation of it but in this particular instance all the shortened words and cut off vowels distracts from the story, and makes the dialogue very hard to read in my opinion. JMO though, but you are doing a great job with this and I look forward to more!
ELI (Chapter 1) - Thu 28 Oct 2010
OMG!!!! UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE! PLEASE!!! Lovely story with a wonderful character representation!!!! Can't wait to when they end up having sex!!!! N-way! UPDATE YOU ROCK!
advisor (Chapter 1) - Sun 01 Aug 2010
The story line starts off interesting, but I honestly couldn't even get through the entire first chapter because of the numerous word errors. "Air" instaed of "aid" and "kid" instead of "kit" just in one sentence, not to mention others any others. I'd proof read your entries and/or get a beta reader that's good at english to help catch those. Small things that really kill a good story.
KitKat (Chapter 2) - Sun 01 Aug 2010
I thought it was pretty cool. :)
You should keep it coming. :)
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