Omg... how did I know that you were gonna say Jak... xDDDD I commend you for your torture!
Ooooh, shoe's on the OTHER foot now! I can't wait to see how she apologises to the control freak. LOL!
*Snort* He'd better get her drunk off her a**! LOL! This was totally hilarious!
Yeah...2 chapters...You're awesome. I felt kinda bad for Kagome in this chapter though. Ha ha, the one chance she gets to get back at Sess he chose songs that she liked.
Uh-oh, he's in serious trouble now. I just want to know how long it's going to be until she blows her top and fries him. lol
helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 11) - Sun 22 Aug 2010
hope he realizes she'll get revenge when she's pregnant most likely. mood swings, tantrums, always changing her she might steamroll over him about the baby's name.
anyway can hardly wait to see what'll happen next.
wow. he's so controlling!
Tataru (Chapter 6) - Tue 10 Aug 2010
Haha, jealousy as plan b, never would have that of that myself. Good job!
Tataru (Chapter 1) - Tue 10 Aug 2010
I have been watching this show for the last week, even now, thank's to r0o, i'm reading this and can already see this is going to be awesome! Glad to know i'm not the only one with this facination!
Cindy (Chapter 10) - Sat 24 Jul 2010
LOL! Sess as a bridezilla (or should that be a groomzilla?) is hilarious. I love it!
Chrissie (Chapter 2) - Sat 24 Jul 2010
Well, since Kagome and her family aren't paying dime one for this wedding and it is all sesshomaru's and his families money I don't see a real problem with Kagome not getting much of a say in the wedding... Traditionally the reason the bride's get all the say... is cause the wedding is being funded and paid for by the bride's family... the groom and his family are only responsible to pay for the rehearsal dinner... the honeymoon, the liquor and the dj... and the fee for the preacher that is saying the service... other then that... everything is handled and paid for by the bride's family... since the bride isn't paying for crap... then the groom should be making the decisions since it is with his familys and his money...
If he doesn't get to make the decisions on his wedding that is being paid for by his side... why should he marry her. Not to mention... that it would so be deserving if toga said something and sesshomaru stated that if it is his money... and his familys money he should decide... if he wants kagome to do all the decisions then kagome pays or toga marries kagome... he either wants her as a daughter and it will be done with him paying and deciding or toga pulls all his money out or he marries kagome...
Funny , never thought I'd see the day lol
Arrrrrrgh Sesshoumaru is being such a....!!!
OKAY. Patience. Yes, patience.
Kagome is lucky to have a sweet friend like Sango, and the mental image of Sango throttling that nail technician was hilarious! To think she's still banned from it. * chuckles*
This chapter was adorable as always, and I had a good laugh. My dear, you do funny really really well too! Kudos to you!
*gigglesnort* Control Freak! Garter! *snort* You've convinced me, I'm never going to marry!
Shay (Chapter 9) - Sun 18 Jul 2010
omg, ROTFL, I can totally see Sesshoumaru being a groomzilla. Kagome's gonna murder him! LOL
Oi, doesn't he know that the wedding is for the bride and the honeymoon for the groom? Dumbass.
Feminafures (Chapter 9) - Sat 17 Jul 2010
I think Kag needs to open a can of whup ass on Sess for stealing her spotlight....hopefully next chapter. It would be fun to have Inupapa thrown in as an instigator to stir the pot.
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