Reviews for Maid with Care by Aimee Blue

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martha (Chapter 116) - Sat 05 Nov 2011

thanks for the updates. it was cute

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 1) - Sat 10 Sep 2011

Pwrease continue! This is the most wonderful drabble series I have EVER read! It's magnificent!

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 115) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

-sniffle- so sweet... more pweese -big anime eyes of pleading-

Loveyaa (Chapter 115) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

sweet moment. I guess misery does like company. Hopefully soon enough Kagome will not want to leave. I can't wait to see what happens next :) I almost don't want to see them back at work together.

Teresa (Chapter 115) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

I'm loving this story!  

Loveyaa (Chapter 114) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

It seems like Sesshoumaru has been through a lot and I wonder how many people he has told this. Nothing like strengthening your relationship/bond through shared pain. I wonder what will be the outcome of this. I can't wait to see what happens next esp when Kagome tries to move on (or maybe she won't want to anymore) :)

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 114) - Thu 25 Aug 2011

ouch. Didn't even TRY? :pouts: For SHAME, inupapa.

Thanks for writing!

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 114) - Thu 25 Aug 2011

I without any doubt, LOVE this story. One of my all time favorites. Although I don't usually read stories written in the modern era style. I really enjoy reading this one though. Please update soon.


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 114) - Wed 24 Aug 2011

:[ wow i really hope that inupapa got it good for that >:l and if/when kagoem mates and gives that demon puppies, inupapa should get a shoe to the face! and then the crotch! then the face again! a few times!

REDWOLF (Chapter 112) - Tue 23 Aug 2011

EWwwww....I just want to kick his father's butt. How could he hurt him like that, but how did he get the money for everything? Can't wait to find out? Great story!!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 112) - Mon 22 Aug 2011

ooooooooooooh bad inupapa >:l

Avidreader (Chapter 45) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

Ooooo you arrogant jerk!  Love it!

Loveyaa (Chapter 111) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

Somehow cliche and somehow touching. Sesshoumaru speaking of his mother's heartbreak. You did a splendid job in showing that Sesshoumaru was close to his mother and holds great sympathy and love for her. I def think this will score him some points with Kagome. I am actually quite interested in how you spin the story of the parents love triangle. I can't wait to see what happens next and hopfully that love lost helps gain one between Sesshoumaru and Kagome :)

TrianaStyx (Chapter 111) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

To be honest, I didn't expect much from this fic. And yet, you have managed to far surpass my expectations and I have completely fallen in love with it! I really hope you keep writing this to the end and that you update again soon! :) 

Loveyaa (Chapter 110) - Wed 10 Aug 2011

I like the title of this chapter. and that they are growing closer to one another. Sesshoumaru likes her so much but I wonder how much does he actually know about her. I wonder what will happen (if they will stay close) when the time comes when Kagome tries to move out. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

cakeiton (Chapter 110) - Tue 09 Aug 2011

oooOOOOOooooooOOOOOoooo getting personal! Cant wait to read more!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 109) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

Aimee, I just LOVE this story! It sooooo makes my day when I see that you've updated. It is so sweet and charming.

Loveyaa (Chapter 109) - Tue 02 Aug 2011

They're getting to know more about each other and therefore know the other person better. I wonder what Kagome will revel about herself and if all this is going to/changing the way they act around each other at work? Living with your boss...that's got to be a little wierd. I wonder what is going to happen next and esp when Kagome gets better or even makes an attempt to find a new place and move out :)

Midnight Sun (Chapter 108) - Tue 02 Aug 2011

Yes thank you for finally updating this is one of my favorite stories. Please update again soon :D

criticat (Chapter 108) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

Don't think she will want to leave :)  Can't wait to read what's next!

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