whee, caught up. These last few chapter were just awesome. I love the part where she hit him over the head with the vase. Can wait to see the after math when he fully awakens. And how Kagome will react if she ever finds out he does remember. sounds full of lol. And where did her little ghost torrementor go....?
I just have to say this is definately one of my favorite fics and each new chapter has something new and memoriable. Your fic is awesome sauce on top of awesome with a cherries and a sword on top. Many gold stars.
KT (Chapter 9) - Fri 19 Nov 2010
I absolutely love this fanfic! I cannot wait to see how this relationship will develop. Especially what will happen when Sesshomaru wakes up... especially if he finds out what has been happening so far... vase to the head? ... dun dun dun... violins screech...
Anyways, fabulous job! I find myself reading and rereading this fanfic, and hoping to find out what happens next!
Please please update soon!
Fluffy (Chapter 9) - Fri 19 Nov 2010
I love it! Can't wait for the next chapter. ♥
Yes, I can definitely see him being all posessive like that. This chapter kinda took a turn for the serious o.O What with him killing some of his guards and going absolutely crazy with Kagome and hurting her...kind of took the humor out of the situation. I enjoyed this chapter, but is kind of seemed like it did a 180 from what the last chapter had set the situation up to be. I was surprised by the direction it took. I was thinking Sesshoumaru would continue to embrarrass himself, Kagome would put up with it, he'd wake up completely embarrassed and unwilling to admit that despite his facade...he didn't actually hate her, thus setting up the beginnings of a more amicable relationship between them. So yeah...not what I expected. That being said, I really did enjoy a lot of aspects of this chapter. I love how long your chapters are and you have a way with writing very visually. It's very easy to picture what is going on. All the added drama of this chapter did make things exciting. I'm just sad he killed his guards. I don't think was necessary and it really changed the tone of this particular story arc. It's something Kagome would feel guilty over and even though you did mention that they assumed a certain amount of risk by serving a powerful demon...I don't think being murdered by their own lord would go over too well with their familes and within the castle. I'm just saying this because you've put a lot of detail into the staff and their dynamics...so by doing that you've given them a role in this story, making them a little less expendable. I think it would fit the feeling of your story better if you had them just maimed, rather than dead. Maybe I'm fussing over this too much. Anyways, it's just my opinion. Great job, can't wait to see what happens next! Keep up the good work!
miki (Chapter 9) - Sun 14 Nov 2010
Really good like always.
I can't wait to read ow shessomaru will react in the morning ^^ please update soon
thanks a lot
woot woot!!!! how exciting was that chapter? super exciting! I definitely could see sesshomaru being all super extra crazy protective. cant wait for the next chappies
ahh, now you've caught my interest with the Touga deal, but I wonder if Sesshoumaru will be as he was before...how much will he remember? (or claim to remember? XP) I look forward to the next chapter!!
alex (Chapter 9) - Fri 12 Nov 2010
I nearly turned my house into an island for crying of happiness when i saw you updated,i totally love this chapter can't wait for the next chapter.
jojo661538 (Chapter 8) - Mon 01 Nov 2010
this is one of the greatest stories i have had the honor of reading and it keep getting better and better as it goes keep up the great work i hope you update soon ^_^ i keep on re reading it because i like it that much
Wow! That chapter was a real powerhouse! It made all the other chapters fall into place. Very, VERY good job. Man, I don't even know where to start. The with the level of antagonism between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, I really didn't know how you were going to have the two come together. This was brilliant. It's like all the frustration, fighting and anger transformed into tension, suspense and heat, effectively fueling the emotions of these last two chapters. And what I like best is that it wasn't obvious at all! Their animosity towards one another stemmed from a genuine dislike. Neither of them even had a clue that an underlying attraction or respect for one another could have even existed. They've essentially been hijacked by circumstance. I think they secretly get a kick out of thier fighting, although neither of them realize it. As much as they push each others buttons, I think they enjoy the challenge. What was once a form of hatred I believe will turn into foreplay hehehe.
The upcoming chapters should be very interesting indeed. Nothing fuels passion between two individuals like opposition, I always say ^__^ There's no forgetting what she did or what he did, even if they stalwartly ignore it once he's in his right mind again, hehe. Lovely, lovely! I can't wait to see what happens. I love these long chapters, btw. I'm a total glutton for long stories. Anyways, thank you and keep up the good work!
Rosalind (Chapter 8) - Sat 09 Oct 2010
I admit I'm even more in love with this story than ever before! naraku creating a plague that takes down demons is a stroke of pure genius and i adore that sesshomaru's instincts want a kagome teddy bear, very sweet, also good to know why malik is so irrationally hateful towards kagome
you are a complete and total genius!
looking forward to when you next update which i realy really really hope is soon!
I loved the story so far it hilarious. I think I like Lord Uza and Shiho and everyone here already knows I LOVE Inupapa.
jojo661538 (Chapter 8) - Sat 09 Oct 2010
wow i cant get enough of this story i absolutly love it keep up the great work i hope you update soon ^_^
Rosalind (Chapter 7) - Mon 27 Sep 2010
A wonderful addition to your stories, i'm really enjoying this whole thing, though i do rather hope that rin returns at some point soon or at least kagome gets the chance to visit her and make sure that she's doing alright- i don't trust whoeever that sesshomaru left her with to be treating her right and rin is probably unhappy
really loving how well kagome is fitting in, in the castle, loving that she's gaining the loyalty of so many of the servants and the guards and definately looking forward to whenever you next update which i hope is very very soon
please write a new chapter lol this is soo good C:
OMG! YAY! I was Sooooooo Happy to see an Update for this story!
This chapter is by far one of my favorites! first of all I loved how long it was but also my favortie scenes was when Kagome animated a tree to "teach Inuyasha a lesson" haha that was amazing! oh and when she was teasing Miroku about the cookie dough with the little girl Aya :D (that made me squeel it was so adorable) oh and Oh and the fighting between the servants was soo much fun to read i ended up rereading it 2 times. hehe and the ending when Jaken asked her to do the duties of the Lady of the Western Lands? I was so shocked! I wanted to read more! but of course thats where you stopped (ah so cruel!)
So please update as soon as you can so I can indulge in my addiction for this story.
Discordmaur (Chapter 7) - Fri 24 Sep 2010
I love the story. I was so excited to see an update.
Kagsess (Chapter 7) - Fri 24 Sep 2010
Wouldn't it be funny if Kagome's scent was like crack for demons and Inuyasha, Kilala, and Shippo each try and hide it because they are addicted and don't want to share.
blueshard9510 (Chapter 1) - Fri 24 Sep 2010
From a writers perspective this story is progressing at a wonderful space leaving various attention grabbers that hook the reader and force us to finish. When I read this I literally was unable to put it down until I read all 7 chapters. It was so good I would consider re-reading once again just as quickly as finishing it. As for the plot, so far I love your story I can't wait to hear your explanations for the kagome scent thing, the "punishment" for Touga, and just the story itself. I love the characters and I think it would be good to provide a maybe more personal connection between Kagome and each of the other lords, or just a more indepth personal history of each one like why Malhik hates women. I found not outsanding grammar mistakes and I believe this fanfiction could really turn out to be one of the best ones I have ever read. I love your portrayal of Kagome's character that she is so kickass and unafraid but still caring fits her image so well. Also the strength of her miko powers in this fiction is goo. THe one complaint I have of the inuyasha series is that Kagome never really learns to control her powers and only there strength is mentioned at the very end but nothing unusually cool happened with them except she purified Naraku's miasma. The only thing I might add to your story to make it interesting is that she maybe finds somekind of special miko weapon: a bow, sword, maybe some kind of magical imnstrument that communes with nature. It's not necessary but might spice up the story. It coul;d be found in Sesshomaru's treasure vault or something. Also it woild be hilarious if Kagome and Sesshomaru's mother becvame friends or something and teamed up. My final note is that the actual conversations in this fiction are really written well. I can't wait for the next installment and I am impressed with the length of each chapter.
i'm LOVING THIS!!!! please update again soon ^_^
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