Reviews for For the Best by Oroyukae

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Darcy (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

Poor guy..right when he thought that he was catching a break...

Snowfall (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

Aw, crap!  He finally gets somewhere and it's just because of the alcohol.  *face palm*  Poor guy.  I'm very suspicious of Gary and the fact that Rin's room has been tampered with.  I hope he's not a pervert.  Of course, if he is, Sesshoumaru can just melt his ass!  ^_^

Sena (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

Noooo just when something good happens, its bad! ah!! Poor sessh!

You can't leave me like this!!

Yukii (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

I am thouroughly enjoying your story. It is fairly realistic, except for how quickly Gary moved the relationship though it does happen, which not many stories do because it is difficult to push the envelope with a realistic story. I hope you update soon ^-^

katlady (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010


  deep down Kagome knows  Gary is  not  good  for her ohh I  hope  she   relizes  it  soon

and I hope  sesshoumaru finnds  the proff he  needs




:hugs: Update soon love ya

Kaysan (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

I really love your stories and this one is no exception. This chapter further piqued my interest. I look forward to more update. Keep up the fantastic job.

Daniella (Chapter 9) - Wed 12 May 2010

Ohhh no!!!  Something in the back of my mind told me that Kagome was drunk but I didn't want to see it.  I wonder how she is going to react when she wakes up; is she even going to remember???  Is she going to be mad at him thinking he took advantage of her in a weakened state???  Not to detract from the major cliffe you left that was very hot!!  Sesshoumaru needs to stop hiding behind his concealment and come out and tell her who he is soon before it's too late.  Please update soon!!!

katlady (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

ooohhhhhh  i  still think theres somethign funny about  gary  i just hope  that comes out before the  I do's




LOVE  the update   XD


GlassDoll (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

I find it kinda suspicious that Gary wants the wedding done so quickly, I can see why Kagome agreed to it but if Gary is a pedophile then the faster the marriage the faster he has unlimited access to poor Rin. I wonder if Rin is slightly suspicious about him, she doesn't seem it but there have been hints. Sesshomaru better get his butt into gear, sweep Kagome off her feet, and tell her the error of her ways for choosing Gary.

knifethrower (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

I don't know if Gary is a nice man, who just isn't the right man, or if there is something wrong with him.  Maybe he has a thing for Rin?  I get a little vibe in that direction...  But I can see things from Kagome's point of view, definitely.  Sesshomaru hasn't offered her anything, he's playing cute, and though she doesn't know it, he hasn't even been honest with her about his identity.  Security IS important, and Gary seems to be a good man with a stable job.  Kagome just got over working two full-time jobs just to keep a roof over her and Rin's heads.  She would be stupid to turn him down.  So maybe something major will have to be revealed about our friend Gary...

kagomesirene (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

Yes, at long last she was going to have what she had been missing in her life, and she really could not wait.


Yeah...and i really cannot wait to have what is missing in my life too...chapter 9 of this story...better now than later :D  *lol*

oh please update soon....i can just imagine sesshoumaru  crashing the wedding at the right moment, telling her she should not settle with the second best just because she's afraid and that he would like to share his life with her and rin...maybe a little wink with suddenly golden eyes and gary...i wonder if he's the one snooping through rin things..i do think so...but i still hope he isn't into little girls, although the dress incident made me kinda suspicious :o

enough of my gibberish...pretty please upodate soon...preferably *now* *lol*

but tomorrow would be ok too ;P

Snowdove30 (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

Excuse the typo please :(  I meant purification

Snowdove30 (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

Really good story.  I have enjoyed it very much so far.  I get the feeling that Kagome should run ( to the ends of the earth) away from Gary and Miranda.  I also think he is a pedophile who used Kagome to get close to Rin.  I wonder of prification works on humans?

Sovereign State (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

This is great so far! And I love the fact you update often!

Hahah - that Bonnie Tyler song used to be my favorite in Jr High!  Nowadays the casio keyboards crack me up, but it's still on my iPod.

Noacat (Chapter 8) - Tue 11 May 2010

ALERT CHRIS HANSON! GARY IS A PEDO! Srsly. I can't wait to see how Sess takes the situation. He must wrest Kagome away from the Pedo Gary.

Tana_san (Chapter 7) - Tue 11 May 2010

Now that Sesshoumaru knows that Kagome does find him attractive and that they've become new friends, maybe Kagome might ask him to go to see one of Rin's recital's with her or something else that would include Rin. I get the feeling that Rin knows on some level that he's Sesshoumaru. She spent the most informative years of her life with him and though he may look alittle different his aura would still be something that might call to her.

I got the creeps over Gary's statement that Rin will break many a guy's heart. If he was wanting to be her father some day, that was a most inapporiate thing to say about your stepdaughter. Helping her pick out a dress that suggests she is older than her age is another thing that stood out as creepy. I think he told Kagome he loved her just to try to smooth over her anger of telling him he was wrong to suggest such a dress without her approval.

I think Sesshoumaru has found his way in to getting Kagome to think of him as more than a friend. I just hope he tells her who he is before they get too close or she may think he's using her to get Rin. He doesn't need Kagome thinking he's the same youkai of the past and Rin may never forgive him for hurting her mother even though it was he who gave her to Kagome.  JEN

Tana_san (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 May 2010

Sesshoumaru's need to just stand there and watch Rin and Kagome instead of just announcing his presence was just plain, ordinary shock. Seeing them both after all this time, how much they both had changed put him into this state of being and when he saw Gary there as well, that just set off all kinds of emotions in him he didn't even realize he had.

It's understandable, to me anyway, why his thoughts of Gary being in their lives angered him. In all his thoughts of finding them, he never once gave a thought that Kagome would have a male in her life. He gave Rin to her, HIS Rin, and naturally his inner inu took this as meaning they were now a sort of 'pack'. Everytime he thought of them he never saw a male in what he believed was his role and now this is all making itself known to him as he stood there frozen, watching them together.I enjoyed his jealousy and fits of 'I can do better for them'. Totally believable.

He really lucked out when Hikaru forced his hand announcing his presence in Philadelphia when he decided to throw a little tantrum because Gary figured he didn't speak English. It couldn't have worked out better for him, even if he had arranged it himself. So far, all is going well.

Oh and for the record and no disrespect intended, not all Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches are greasy. It honestly depends on whose making them. I lived in New Jersey and have had the pleasure to visit Philly and the ones I ate where delicious. Not very greasy at all.   JEN

Ceferadel (Chapter 7) - Tue 11 May 2010

first saw this story up yesterday and read all six chapters! Finished with this lovely 7th one this morning and i do say brilliant. I have really enjoyed this story and cant wait for more to occur! Till next time :)

katlady (Chapter 7) - Tue 11 May 2010

ohhhhhhhhhhh  two  gooood  up dates


I love it   I mell somethign fishy with  Gary though



only time  will tell

    GREAT chapter Update soon

Sena (Chapter 7) - Tue 11 May 2010

Two chapters in a day! So great so far, how will sessh reveal his identity? That gary guy is such a creeper...


I'll be waiting for more!!

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