"What is it that you find so humorous miko?" Sesshoumaru asked her, eyebrow hidden in his bangs.
"I like her. I like her a lot. I think she would be perfect for InuYasha." she chuckled.
"You can not be serious. Toki would have him running around chasing his non-existent tail for days before he realized that she was only playing with his feeble mind." he remarked, all the while questioning the logic in her random human mind.
"Exactly, what could be more perfect than that?" Kagome smiled deviously back at him.
That's it, the miko was officially crazy, probably from falling down so often - one loose spring too many had addled her brain.
yeah see that ^^^ TOTALLY amusing. *laughed* a lot! i would love to see him chasing his tail @_@
i love how Shippo's a little taddle!
Very clever twist. This chapter is lovely and so very sweet. I'm sighing like a breeze from the deliciously romantic gestures. When she offered her acceptance, oh, beatific smile, it still rests on my face!
so sexy!
oooooooooooooooooooooo stupid yusha! >:l i hope she breaks him with her sit
Angel, this is so sweetly tender. You break my heart with the beauty of their love and your writing. You were born to write and you do it so very, very well!
oh i loves this! *huggleS*
This series of drabbles and one shots are well written and very fun to read. i hope you continue with them.
This was a very sweet and especially at the end poignant chapter. Your writing is excellent. For me the description of who Sesshoumaru is and what he is like in the middle of the chapter broke the flow. It was well written and very descriptive. It was very revealing too in the last paragraph. But the way it was separated from the rest of the chapter with no leading or transitional sentences made it feel choppy or off to me. Still this is shaping up into a very enjoyable tale.
Cute and unexpected, nice little drabble. Wonder what she says to him?
Ikaru (Chapter 8) - Wed 07 Apr 2010
Angelicatt you silly thing, you should be ashamed of belittling your talent *waves finger*shame shame...lol..this was actually very enjoyable to read, your descriptive abilities are impressive, and the scenes were very easy to imagine an get into. I loved the way you portrayed Kagome and Sesshoumaru, and I'm itching to read more of this. I have faved this and will be looking foreward to more of this story in the near future:D
Hairann (Chapter 8) - Tue 06 Apr 2010
There's a slight problem, you're only allowed to post the prompts from Dokuga_Contest after the voting is complete, which means your Blue drabble shouldn't be posted here yet. Try to be careful of that in the future or they won't count in the voting.
For the story itself, very interesting start and would love to see where you take it. There were a few issues such as a word is all caps :P, and I believe all Japanese words when in their plural form stay the same rather than adding an S. Such as onna would be onna and not onnas. Easy mistake to make though, and in fact I did the same thing in my earlier works hehe. Other than that, not bad and can't wait to read more :).
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