Excellent chapter! Very nice technical writing skills. I enjoyed the suspense. For every question you answered, you left a new one on the table. You also did a great job conveying the emotions of the characters. InuYasha's reaction to Kagome's news, his angry drive to the Corporate Offices, and his meeting Sesshomaru rang true to life. The description of Sesshomaru's affect and his tattered clothing told a lot about his mental state, while raising questions about his physical state, and the story behind his disappearance. Can't wait for next installment!
Can't wait for the next chapter to assist at the confrontation between inuyasha and sesshomaru and his reaction when he will know about the baby. and kagome when she will hear that sesshomaru is here now!
please, update soon!!
Karli (Chapter 3) - Sun 18 Apr 2010
Aww Poor Inuyasha, man i feel so sorry for him when stories start like this...Good start mate, i look forward to reading more.
Well that can't be good... this is turning out to be very interesting so far so keep up the great work!!
FairQueen (Chapter 3) - Sat 17 Apr 2010
love it and want more ---------soon :)
I like your story can't wait to see what happens next.
o.o i want more >:3 *pounce syou with bribery c0okies* you have got me all O_Oish about it! i want to know what happened, and what's happening! more please!!!! *wiggles c0okie at you*
ooooo... this is so good! please update!
dayna (Chapter 2) - Sun 28 Feb 2010
I have to day that this is going to be one interesting story. Man it kinda sux that Inuyasha didn't even give her a chance to tell her story. I wouldn't call her a whore I mean some people get caught up in the heat of the moment. Well can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.
Haltia (Chapter 1) - Sat 27 Feb 2010
Even though it's hard to say much on first chapter, this promises to be a good story. I'm eagerly waiting for an update to be able to read more! Especially find out what happened between Sesshomaru and Kagome, and what happens between Inuyasha and Kagome now. And how will 'Maru find out and what will he do. So many unanswered question!
O_O i demands you update! :3 this is interesting!
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